Francis: We get in through the underground heating system here... up through to the main audience chamber here... and Gabe's wife's bedroom is here. Having grabbed his wife, we inform Gabethat she is in our custody and forthwith issue our demands. Any questions?
Xerxes: What exactly are the demands?
Reg: We're giving Gabe two days to dismantle the entire apparatus of the Valve Imperialist State and if he doesn't agree immediately we execute her.
Matthias: Cut her head off?
Francis: Cut all her bits off, send 'em back every hour on the hour... show him we're not to be trifled with.
Reg: Also, we're demanding a ten foot mahogany statue of the John Carmack with his **** hanging out.
Stan: What? They'll never agree to that, Reg.
Reg: That's just a bargaining counter. And of course, we point out that they bear full responsibility when we chop her up, and... that we shall not submit to blackmail.
Omnes: (Applause) No blackmail!
Reg: They've bled us white, the *******s. They've taken everything we had, not just from us, from our fathers and from our fathers' fathers.
Stan: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers.
Reg: Yes.
Stan: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers.
Reg: All right, Stan. Don't labour the point. And what have they ever given us in return?
Xerxes: Half Life.
Reg: Oh yeah, yeah they gave us that. Yeah. That's true.
Masked Activist: And the Steam gaming platform!
Stan: Oh yes... Steam, Reg, you remember what gaming used to be like.
Reg: All right, I'll grant you that Half Life and Steam are two things that Gabe has done...
Matthias: And Left 4 Dead...
Reg: (sharply) Well yes obviously Left 4 Dead... that goes without saying. But apart from Half Life, Steam and Left 4 Dead...
Another Masked Activist: Team Fortress 2...
Other Masked Voices: Half Life 2... Lost Coast... Left 4 Dead 2...
Reg: Yes... all right, fair enough...
Activist Near Front: And the ATI driver updates...
Omnes: Oh yes! True!
Francis: Yeah. That's something we'd really miss if Gabe left, Reg.
Masked Activist at Back: DoTA2!
Stan: And it's safer to game online.
Francis: Yes, they certainly know how to keep order... (general nodding)... let's face it, they're the only ones who could in a place like this.
(more general murmurs of agreement)
Reg: All right... all right... but apart from better Half Life and Steam and Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2 and ATI driver updates and DoTA2 and safer online gaming... what have Valve done for us?
Reg: (very angry, he's not having a good meeting at all) What!? Oh... (scornfully) WAITING, yes... shut up!