Copy Windows XP from "XP Mode"?

23 Nov 2019
On my old WIndows 7 computer I have XP Mode to run a couple accounting packages.

I've just built my new WIndows 10 pc & enabled Hyper V to install XP. However, after a recent house move, I can't find my XP disk. Is there a way that I can copy the XP mode from my old pc? If not, are there any sources to get XP these days?
Rufus usb tool can get isos for you and make a bootable usb from it
Yumi usb tool can too
Though not sure if it does xp iso as not needed one of those
I have the XP ISO thanks. Downloaded it from a site in India. :(

Just installed VMware & it's failed due to W10 credential guard. Awful trouble to turn it off, basically VMware isn't working. SO I'm probably back to trying to get HyperV working with my network card & printer. Nightmare from hell! :(

This might well fix the credentials guard issue (it's just a feature you need to turn off)
Thank you both. I tried messing with the credential guard but couldn't get it to a state which allowed VMware to run. So I tried Virtualbox - & after some poking about, I now have it working perfectly. Nice copy & paste between windows, printing to a network printer now works, I was able to install my old software via a CD. It took my another 2 hours, but overall a happy bunny. I was able to get my XP licence key off my old laptop using Belmarc advisor. Overall, Virtualbox is now running in a state which looks very nice. Nice folder sharing options too & it runs in a separate IP address range too.
Will do... is that the same as a snapshot?
I use macrium I find it better than the windows solution
It makes an image of the whole system
Depends on size of the image
And how fast your C drive and the drive storing the image is
But for a 40gb restore it takes me literally less than 3 minutes
That's with C and storage drives both mp510 960gb M2 drives
Another option if you have enough drives is to clone it to a second drive
Gives you a baseline Windows to boot to if needed even faster than restoring an image
Why aren't you using Hyper-V?

I tried that first, I just couldn't set up the nic or printer. It's like Microsoft thought, lets integrate a VM & then make it so difficult to set up that the user has to employ an IT pro to do it. XP Mode in W7 was wonderful though. It just worked. Hyper-V doesn't just work., I also hated the Ctrl Shift back arrow thing to change mouse focus. Grr.

VMWare has been borked by Microsoft, probably on purpose. VMWare really need to provide a straight forward fix, not simply link to a complex Microsoft page with fixes which don't work. Virtualbox I tried last. It was a breeze & relatively easy to set up & run.
It's not a snapshot. A snapshot is different. I'm not entirely sure how I backup the Virtualbox VM?
Vdi is stored somewhere like
C:\Users\[username]\VirtualBox VMs
Think can also find them by opening virtual box
Then file/media manager
Then I just copy/paste them to another drive for storage
It may well be there's an automated backup option in virtual box I just haven't looked for one as only use it for playing around with stuff
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