Copying from XP machine to XP machine?

31 Dec 2006
Right then folks I need a bit of advice.

I've got a mate who has just got a new machine to replace his aging Dell PC, he's using both the new and old machines for his own business and wants to copy all his email and documents and fravoraites over to the new PC before the old one dies, he's running xp on both of them, is there a way of migrating all the stuff over with a cable or will he need to buy a programme to do it. I know with vista you can copy stuff over from an old machine using a cable as I did this with my PC.


network them together using a network cable (cross over) (a couple of quid!)
very easy to set up the basic file sharing
bobs your uncle
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Assuming both PCs are on the same network and you use the same username and password to log into both, you can very easily transfer stuff within Windows Explorer.

First, turn off Windows Firewall on the old PC. Then, on the new PC, in Windows Explorer, type in


x.x.x.x being the IP address of the old PC

You can then see the contents of the C: drive of the old PC and copy at will.

You can substitute c$ for any other drive letter on your old PC.
Thanks all, I'll point him in the direction of this site and let do the rest, it's difficult trying to explain this to someone over the phone.


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