pieman109 said:I doubt you'll get those timings out of any 2gig set. The most I got out of that ram when I had some was 2-3-2-7-1t, and anything above that, even 5mhz higher, and I had to run 2.5-3-3-7-1t. I believe this was down to the version (theres shedloads of different versions for this memory and some clock better than others.) I got rid of mine and went back to me 2 gig PQI generic, gives me near identical performance, for a lot less cost, (£50 at the time).
chovi said:hhhmm, il give that a try if you had no problems @
chovi said:yep works for me !! thats ted............benched 3d05 and ran a few super pi 4m tests which came down to 2:51:859, down from 2:53:789! ...........added a couple of hundred 03 3d0,taking to 11400 from 11200, stock gfx !! everything seems rock soild! what further benefits *** taking it to 2,2,2,5 bring ?