Corsair Force NVMe PCIe M.2 240GB - slow?

25 Aug 2008
York, UK

Corsair m.2 drive 240gb has my OS.
Latest firmware.

Just done a quick online test at and it states that the drive is 'slower than expected':

Corsair Force NVMe PCIe M.2 240GB-£50
8,513 User benchmarks, average bench 162%
160GB free (System drive)
Firmware: ECFM12.3 Max speed: PCIe 5,000 MB/s
SusWrite @10s intervals: 306 282 291 291 287 288 MB/s
Performing below expectations (36th percentile)

Read 805
Write 617
Mixed 603
SusWrite 291
129% 579 MB/s

4K Read 46.6
4K Write 143
4K Mixed 64.9
229% 84.7 MB/s

Deep queue 4k:
DQ Read 715
DQ Write 559
DQ Mixed 279
306% 518 MB/s

W10 64bit
What could be the reason for this / how do I fix?

I have a Corsair m.2 1tb drive for games, which is performing to its full speed.

Using the exact same online test, the 1tb m.2 drive scores as follows:

Corsair Force NVMe PCIe M.2 960GB-£170
10,115 User benchmarks, average bench 233%
562GB free
Firmware: ECFM22.5 Max speed: PCIe 5,000 MB/s
SusWrite @10s intervals: 1625 942 949 958 952 947 MB/s
Performing above expectations (82nd percentile)

Read 1,486
Write 2,496
Mixed 1,672
SusWrite 1,062
380% 1,679 MB/s

Random 4k:
4K Read 57.2
4K Write 193
4K Mixed 84.7
297% 112 MB/s

Deep queue 4k:
DQ Read 1,156
DQ Write 1,027
DQ Mixed 1,134
839% 1,106 MB/s

I cannot understand why they are so different, cant be the mobo as the 1tb is much faster.
Could it be a setting in W10?

Thanks for your help.
Last edited:
510 corsair - 3100 read / 1050 write
So is in line with that

On buying it for OS I didn't realise it was a lot slower 'write' than the 1tb
System is snappy though, so happy with it given the low cost
I only use benchmarks to check that everything is working ok.
My OCD kicked in when I saw that my OS drive was not performing as it should.
Served its purpose, didn't realise it was set to gen4 in bios = changed it to gen3 and all ok again :-)
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