Corsair Gaming - Launch and Gaming Logo

16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
Hello all,
Last week we pointed out the availability of a Vengeance K70 and Vengeance K70 RGB keyboards with red switches for fans of our Corsair “sails” logo. We have since rolled up our sleeves to see just how many additional “sails” logo versions we can add to our line. The answer is 11 configurations which were based on requests we’ve received. We also added a matching M65 RGB mouse.


• Vengeance K70 RGB - Cherry MX red – US, UK, Nordic (US now, UK/Nordic available late November)
• Vengeance K70 RGB - Cherry MX brown – US, UK (available late November)
• Vengeance K95 RGB - Cherry MX red – US, UK (available late November)
• Vengeance K70 - Cherry MX red – US, UK (available mid October)
• Vengeance K70 - Cherry MX brown – US, UK (available mid October)
• M65 RGB – black (late November)

Both Corsair Gaming and Vengeance branded products are made to the same level of precision and are awesome. We promise.
Thanks for all the feedback and the kind words guys, we really appreciate it. We are just trying our best to make sure there is enough SKUs to cover everyone's individual preference

Jason, is this you?

No matter, the entire HID team deserves some major props for handling the situation maturely despite the ridiculous responses I've seen- especially on OCN. Guys here have been pretty great in comparison.

It's Corsair Joseph :)

I'll make sure to pass this message along to our HID team. They could use some positive vibe :D

So what will the difference be between a Corsair Gaming RGB K95 and Vengeance RGB K95 apart from the logo ?

The difference is the logo. The KB's internals, build quality, and material are all identical.

They are trying to 'get down' with the kool kids :D

I guess we are not cool enough to get their attention :p
Got my mouse today, and not a moment too soon. ;) Seems excellent so far, very solid and substantial feeling compared to the Razer I've been using for years. :)


Nice! glad to hear that you like it so far. Post some feedback once you start playing with it :)

Enjoy your new toy! just make sure to check if the mouse has the latest FW.
The mouse is really good and the RGB lighting is great. The software works wel and is simple to use to create nice gradients of colours on the mouse. Now just need the K70 Brown keyboard to match it.;)

That is very good to hear, especially the software part. Many M65 RGB users feels the same way when it comes to build quality. Have you placed an order for the K70 Brown? Looks like they have plenty in stock,

After a 5 month wait I am elated to say that I am typing this now on my new K70 RGB brown switch keyboard with sails logo. Which is absolutely bliss after being extremely stubborn and sticking with a horrendous old keyboard while I waited.
In the past I had the same K70 with just blue LED's which I fell in love with (until the LEDs started dying one by one) so in a way it feels like a reunion. The fundamentals of the keyboard are exactly the same as that which was perfect already. The lighting which is new to me, seems bloody brilliant. When I got my M65 RGB not too long ago I was a little underwhelmed by the lighting options despite being very pleased with the mouse overall. Luckily I'm the kind of person who will set it the way I like and not change it again for years.
The lighting on this keyboard probably won’t lose its novelty factor for me for quite a while because from what I can tell the possibilities are almost endless. My initial reaction is that it was well worth the wait. As long as no LEDs start dying or any unforeseen issues occur I’m happy as Larry and never intend on changing my keyboard/mouse ever again.
A couple of pics I took when first plugging it in:


I'm very grateful that the K70 RGB did not disappoint you. Based on that feedback you posted, sounds like you instantly fell in love with the K70, can't blame you for that as many have the first time owning the KB :)

You've got some beauty shots there btw, you must be a pro ;)
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Yeah, from what I have been seeing on different forums, we are definitely getting lots of love on that new sails logo..... not so much back then when we announced the gaming logo ;)
I think every one is so happy you dropped that horrible logo. It really damaged your brand, and it's great that you have gone back to your classic, excellent logo.

Yep, its everything the new logo should have been in the first place ;) great success! :)

Thanks for the feedback fellas... seeing the community liking the new logo is such a huge relief :p

Personally, I prefer the old logo. It actually looks like sails. Whereas the new logo looks like flames. I won't mention the tattoo logo...

Don't know why somebody at Corsair felt the need to change it. Change for changes sake?

Don't get me wrong, classic old logo is still a beauty in my eyes and I'm sure to others as well. But we had to unify our DIY and Gaming hardware to signify that they are now a single entity moving forward. To do so, we've decided to revise the classic sails logo to a more aggressive look to represent both.
Yup, it ain't broken and it doesn't require fixing.. but we felt that it's time for us to have a fresh design and some sort of a modern looking logo :)
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