Corsair Generation 2 Modular Braided Cable Kits for Corsair PSU's

They still haven't "fixed" the ugly black shrink wrap on the ends on the connectors. Why can't they make them like the Bitfenix ones with the braid going right up to the connector!? :(... Only then would they be perfect.
£80 for a set of braided cables... GG Corsair.
I think I would rather spend a fiver on paracord and set aside a few hours to do it myself... Even if it won't be as good... :rolleyes:
They still haven't "fixed" the ugly black shrink wrap on the ends on the connectors. Why can't they make them like the Bitfenix ones with the braid going right up to the connector!? :(... Only then would they be perfect.

exactly, the shrink wrap at the end is far to long.
Any reason that corsair have made these that expensive?
That's just really stupidly high, sure they will be high quality but come on, there come's a point where they are just taking advantage of you.
On a lot of PSU's the cables are perfectly fine for the normal user, and people who want to pimp there computer out with braided cables would braid there own cables I would imagine.
Oh well, hope you guys actually manage to sell some of these.
can almost save 2/3 of that price by getting pre braided extensions! may not be the same but spending that much for braided cables is insane! But then again here I am thinking of watercooling my RAM! Each to there own - I am sure there will be sales for them :)
wow that price, corsair are trying to milk you dry. Just get some bitfenix cables and use the ones you need
eg: 24pin - 8.99
6+2pin/8pin- 5.99
8pin but its usually hidden.
saving yourself a lot of money, then go flip off corsair for being such greedy *******s. the package SHOULD include the 24pin else its just extortionate amounts of money for cables and even £65 is a lot to ask.
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