****Corsair H100i Liquid Cooler Review****

I see everyone say about the screw issues. My issues is they strip too easy

Use the 8 short lengths to fit the one set of fans and the full length for the others. Done, what i did.
Is there any chance that the new H100i will work on the upcoming 1150 socket for Haswell?

Depends if intel decide to keep the same mounting hole placement (like they did with 1156+1155) or Corsair release a bracket for this later on.

Also what fans are on this unit?
I see SP120 but are these the high performance ones, or quiet ones?
I would assume High Performance...

They are rated higher than performance editions.
Its not the supplied fans that cuase the noise, its the fan controller on the pump, if you plug the fans into your motherboard instead they are very quiet, almost silent at lower RPM.

Nice review BTW.

I agree. It just stupid to plug the fan on the pump. Should be on the motherboard. I dislike that corsair software link too.

So am I right in thinking that if I just install the H100i, leave usb cable and cpu fan header cable unplugged and plug the fans into a fan controller or mobo headers I will get the same performance without any of the issues?

I had a lot of issues with the last H100i which I had to send back so I'd rather stay away from the usb header, link software and the pump fan controller if I can. All I need is the rad and a pump at full speed. Will this work? Thanks.
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So am I right in thinking that if I just install the H100i, leave usb cable and cpu fan header cable unplugged and plug the fans into a fan controller or mobo headers I will get the same performance without any of the issues?

You may have to leave the CPU header cable connected so the unit reports an RPM to the motherboard so the board doesn't throw a wobbly and thinks there is no fan connected.

You can also plug the two fans into suitable fan headers on the motherboard.
I'd like to buy this for my 920, which runs a bit toasty atm. But not without confirmation that it will support the upcoming 1150 socket for haswell.
The pump is quiet.

As I said above, the fans rattled with the release firmware at minimum RPM, but now make a whining sound with the update.

Replacing the stock fans with SP120's as I have done is bliss.
Nice review.

Would the temperatures you achieved on the 3570K be similar to the 3770K? I only ask because they seem as good as or lower than a lot of people were reporting from their full watercooled systems.
Thanks for the good review. I saw this on TWO and was considering it. Good to know about the fans.

Do the versions that OCUK have now come with the updated firmware?
Good review, and I definitely want one.

I posted a query off to Corsair tech support asking about planned support for socket 1150. I'll post back here with what they say.
Thanks for the review stulid.

I will just share my experience having had one of these units from the start. I installed my unit in mid november. Temps are great and the unit has no pump noise. I did not use the fans that Corsair supplied. I used Noisblocker NB-eLoop Fan B12-3. Great fans with great airflow and rpm.

After a few days I started to notice that the fans connected to the pump are not powering up. I did try everything possible but still no go. So now the fans are connected directly to the motherboard fan headers.

Just last week one of ram modules decided to go bonkers and locking up my system. Nothing is overclocked just everything on stock. After a few hard resets the pump led is not powering up anymore. No matter how many times I reconnect and disconnect the sata power for the pump.

After reading several threads on the corsair forums and other sites that led's are in fact failing with the current firmware and corsair link not even detecting the unit. I gave up trying to find a solution.

Since I am not from the UK sending this unit for RMA will cost me a fortune so I will just run the pump without any idea of what is going and no led indicator.

I am not saying this unit is bad or Corsair is bad its just my personal experience that probably the first batch of units is still with teething problems that Corsair cannot find a fix for with just a simple firmware upgrade.
That's bad mate. No wonder Corsair WC kits are just bad. I am saving up for this one: http://www.swiftech.com/pr-1-3-13-h220.aspx as this one beat Corsair H100i.

I used to have Corsair H50 and the pump is just too cheap, tubing too warm and even worse that it making a noisey from the pump and died later. Been replaced twices but still the same. I lose my confident in Corsair now after H50 failed, Corsair Force 3 SSD died. But, I only trust Corsair is great memory rams and power supply. Nothing elses.
That's bad mate. No wonder Corsair WC kits are just bad. I am saving up for this one: http://www.swiftech.com/pr-1-3-13-h220.aspx as this one beat Corsair H100i.

I used to have Corsair H50 and the pump is just too cheap, tubing too warm and even worse that it making a noisey from the pump and died later. Been replaced twices but still the same. I lose my confident in Corsair now after H50 failed, Corsair Force 3 SSD died. But, I only trust Corsair is great memory rams and power supply. Nothing elses.

Make good cases too.
Good review, and I definitely want one.

I posted a query off to Corsair tech support asking about planned support for socket 1150. I'll post back here with what they say.

I believe that socket 1150 uses the same socket spacing as 1155 and 1156.
So yes it should work.

But please post back Corsairs reply.
Well they did get back to me, but not with anything that helpful yet.

They basically said that they've yet to receive official specs from Intel, and hence don't know at the moment.

I guess we'll just have to hope that the spacing remains the same, or that they release a revised mounting kit.
Used one of these on a build for a customer, could not get away with the link software had to use the motherboard to control the fans. The software allowed me to make them go faster but wouldn't allow us to slow them down.
Thanks for the good review. I saw this on TWO and was considering it. Good to know about the fans.

Do the versions that OCUK have now come with the updated firmware?

I got one last Saturday and it arrived with 1.0.5 (The latest firmware for download from their website is 1.0.4) I bought mine on impulse without doing loads of research. Its not silent but I am more than happy with it and I have not felt the need to connect the fans to my motherboard or replace them.
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