Corsair Keyboard Reviews!

All my Amigas in the past had keyboard dust covers.
What's wrong with PC keyboards that no dust covers are available ? I know the different key layout and not typical shape.. but wouldn't it be a good idea for all vendors to produce such covers for each (or branded) models ? I'd buy one :)
I'm sure RJKOneill can also provide his own feedback too, he has spent a few days with one on his desk too :)

Happy to. I have the lower priced board on my desk. Totally echo all of ace modders views. Seem to have nailed it.

I use a razer black widow at home which I really like. That board uses cherry blue switches which are clicks and tactile. The razer keyboard is nice for gaming but takes some getting used to for typing.

Conversely, the corsair board uses cherry red switches which have a constant pressure throughout the keystroke, they are very nice to type on. The only thing that annoyed me is that I use esc and delete a lot and both of these keys are membrane based and not mechanical. This is not a massive problem but feels odd when you have typed a massive wall of text on mech switches.

There are certainly a lot of mech boards on the market at the moment, the ozone and razer boards offer excellent value for money.

The corsair uses switches that are great all rounders, they are not loud and feel good to touch type on after a few hours of getting adjusted to the key layout.

I am looking forward to gaming on it, the brushed aluminium finish looks really classy too.

Only gripe I have is the 'gaming' keys you can change. The red replaceable gaming keys look good but the way thy are angles makes them a bit of a pain to type on when the rest of the keys are standard. I can't see anyone being bothered to swap they keys over again all the time.

The gaming keys are stored in the gaming wrist rest. Using this keyboard is fine, they could have released it without the gaming stuff and I would have thought it was good value. The gaming options are there if you want them but I personally don't like them
shame corsair as i really liked the look of the k90,swaped my g19 for webbo ozone strike,great keyboard but i really would like the qpad as i like a backlight and it looks so comfortable so hopefully the wife will get me it as its my birthday in a few weeks
That K60 looks amazing, but I'm stuck choosing between that and the Roccat Isku.

The Corsair looks amazing, plus that wrist rest is so comfy I almost forgot it was there! However not a fan of the mech key thing, too noisy too!

The Isku is a good £30 cheaper this week, plus the keys feel amazing to type on, but lacks the mic/headphone jack that I've gotten used to on my current Razer Lycosa. :(
if you are in the market for a mech keyboard, then membrane keyboards should not even be taken into consideration.
it lasts longer and is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy more satisfying to type on, I hate using the keyboards on school computers now :p
Took a few snaps today at LITS, i have to say, the Red switches are nice, but combined with the membrane switches, it just kills it. I use the F keys all the time for CSS gaming, as well as shortcuts in applications, the feel was not right. I also play a couple of games using arrow keys, End and PG Down felt awful in comparision to the red switches. The look it better in person, though because the keys along the top are lit by a single backlight, you get a weird dim blue behind the keys, it doesn't look as good as totally backlit keys like on the MK-80 or Zibal 60. A very expensive K90 should have done better




Was waiting on these before making up my mind and now i have seen them will go with the qpad when i have the cash. If your charging this sort of money it should be a full mechanical and even though most of the keys are the one's that arn't are a deal breaker for me.
Was waiting on these before making up my mind and now i have seen them will go with the qpad when i have the cash. If your charging this sort of money it should be a full mechanical and even though most of the keys are the one's that arn't are a deal breaker for me.

The Qpad is the best mechanical gaming keyboard for the money right now, though i will say, if Corsair charged £100 for K90, then it would be a good challenger. If you take feature for feature, the only benefit of the K90 over the MK-80 is the macro buttons, which isn't worth £30.
I had my card in hand ready to pull the trigger on one of these. The fact that it's not full mechanical made me put the card firmly back in my wallet.
I'm waiting to see what Coolermaster can bring to the table with there CM Storm Trigger keyboard. Wont be out until next year however. :(

There will also be the Rapid, which is shown in the video.
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