Corsair PSU Issues

7 Mar 2007
I have the set up in my sig and connected it all up, switched on the power and getting nothing.

If you put your ear to the PSU you hear a clicking noise, but when I press the power switch there is no life. Anything I am missing?
I couldnt see an LED or anything on the mobo to indicate if power was coming from the PSU or not. So I unplugged it, and plugged it into my current rig, as the mobo on this one has a LED. When I turned it on, the LED worked, so I am assuming there is power, and something else is a miss.

Yes, I have plugged in the 24pin cable, and the additional 4 pin one.

I have used another cable to connect the DVD drive, and the hard drive. Another one connects the two fans, and then the PCI cable for the 8800 GTS.
I've tried the case switch on the pin header. Nothing. I even went as far as trying it in every damn pin, and both ways round and still nothing.

I unplugged all the wires from the PSU, and plugged it just into the mobo, and not even the fan on the Freezer Pro went round. Completely at a loss, and have almost a grands worth of kit sitting there lifeless!
getcarter said:
the motherboards dead if none of the fans are spinning like u said above so rma it :mad:
Not necessarily, the psu would be on if the mb was dead, unless its shorting the psu which is unlikely.

Does the psu work all ok in your other system?

So far I have unplugged everything from the system, and tried the PSU on my old system, and the LED on the motherboard come on. So this would indicate that the PSU is supplying power.

I have also taken the on/off switch cable and tried it in every pin, both ways round and still nothing.

The only thing I havent tried is checking to see if the on/off switch is connected properly to the cable. As if this isnt, then it would explain why nothing else is coming on when I try turning it on.

If that doesnt work, then going to take it into the local computer shop at the weekend, and get their system builder to have a look at it. Although this is a last resort, as more expense and another week without my system.
Twinblade said:

So far I have unplugged everything from the system, and tried the PSU on my old system, and the LED on the motherboard come on. So this would indicate that the PSU is supplying power.

You dont say if the other system will power up and boot. I have had PUSs that will light a mobo led up but not power on.

Someone has already said this but have you tried shorting the mobo front connection that is supposed to have the switch attached? Just (carefully) touch the two pins together with a screwdriver and remove. This will confirm that your switch is working.
Nikumba said:
You dont say if the other system will power up and boot. I have had PSUs that will light a mobo led up but not power on.

Nail. hit. head.
The power led means nothing. See if it powers up.

Its unlikely to be a power switch issue. Either the psu is dead or the board is dead.
Since you have a spare system to test it in, it would seem a bit ridiculous to take it to a system builder, because all they'll do is bung it in another system and see if it powers on, which you could do yourself.
I have the exact same problem, but the funny thing is my comp actually booted up the first time i turned it on. However the front LED didnt light up, so i assumed i have the connector round the wrong way. I turned it off and attempted to rectify this, then turned it back on and was greeted by nothing but the clicking noise.

PSU cant be dud cos it booted up fine originally. So any ideas?
Souness said:
I have the exact same problem, but the funny thing is my comp actually booted up the first time i turned it on. However the front LED didnt light up, so i assumed i have the connector round the wrong way. I turned it off and attempted to rectify this, then turned it back on and was greeted by nothing but the clicking noise.

PSU cant be dud cos it booted up fine originally. So any ideas?
PSU could easily be a dead.

What do you mean by 'exact same problem'?
If you mean you have a problem where your system won't power on that's not really the exact same problem, there are hundreds of possible causes for that...

-Disconnect everything non essential.
-Check every connection that is essential, check the mb manual.
-Test the psu in another system if you can.
-Jump start the psu (as detailed above), both whilst in the system and unplugged.

Tell us your results and we'll go from there. Also need to know system specs, PSU make and brand.
Well look on the brightside, if you do have to return anything to Corsair it's only 5370 miles from London. :eek: Corsair really do need to sort out a european base if they really care about their customers.

I dread to think how much the cost of returning a PSU with the amount of weight they are to Fremont (California) :( Would OcUK sort out the RMA process in terms of sending it away over 5 years? lol :rolleyes:
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Usually the retailer sorts it i think. So corsair will probably be paying for the postage to the US.
Although sometimes that only in the first year of warranty...
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