Corsair Value Select or Geil Value (DDR)?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I'm in the market for a cheap 2gig DDR kit, and I'm just wondering which would be the best for overclocking on a DFI NF4 Ultra-D?

The Corsair VS seems to have the better timings at stock (3-3-3-8 compared to 3-4-4-8), but how do they compare with say 3v stuck through them?
get the Geil!

my geil does 225 @ stock volts. and can get to say 250 though i havent ever really pushed it like that.

i did have some corsair value it would lock my pc even when i just set it to 225 (i use clockgen) and have the same DFI Ultra-D mobo as you.

i had geil originally, sold it, bought some corsair, hated it, so sold it and got some more geil! well pleased with my geil.

edit. thats at cas2 T1!!!
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