Good to see more manufacturers using red mx switches. I was never a fan of black mx switches, but the reds are very very light and I really enjoy typing on them on my Poker. Great pricing from Corsair as well when you consider the Filco Majestouch 2 tenkeyless with red switches goes for nearly £170. Reds have held a high price for a long time as the only place you could get them really was on a couple of Cherry boards in the asian market. And the Corsairs are plate mounted switches as well, so the build quality will feel really solid.
Interested to know who the OEM of the board is, but Corsair is saying nothing, only that the switches are from Cherry. The Corsair website also says the boards have 20+ KRO USB. Microsoft is the only company I've seen able to achieve anything like that (on the X4) so I'd be interested to know how Corsair (or the OEM who made the boards) achieved it. If they've worked a little magic themselves, or if they've licensed the tech from Microsoft.
I'm betting on a license deal, we have seen how they licensed the Cool It products for Corsairs H series cooling line. It will be interesting to see what extra features the keyboards have for serious gamers. It isn't enough any more to just put a different type of switch on a keyboard and sell it.