Corsair Vengeance Products... (NO GIBBO NOT MEMORY!)

Good to see more manufacturers using red mx switches. I was never a fan of black mx switches, but the reds are very very light and I really enjoy typing on them on my Poker. Great pricing from Corsair as well when you consider the Filco Majestouch 2 tenkeyless with red switches goes for nearly £170. Reds have held a high price for a long time as the only place you could get them really was on a couple of Cherry boards in the asian market. And the Corsairs are plate mounted switches as well, so the build quality will feel really solid.

Interested to know who the OEM of the board is, but Corsair is saying nothing, only that the switches are from Cherry. The Corsair website also says the boards have 20+ KRO USB. Microsoft is the only company I've seen able to achieve anything like that (on the X4) so I'd be interested to know how Corsair (or the OEM who made the boards) achieved it. If they've worked a little magic themselves, or if they've licensed the tech from Microsoft.

I'm betting on a license deal, we have seen how they licensed the Cool It products for Corsairs H series cooling line. It will be interesting to see what extra features the keyboards have for serious gamers. It isn't enough any more to just put a different type of switch on a keyboard and sell it.
I'm betting on a license deal, we have seen how they licensed the Cool It products for Corsairs H series cooling line. It will be interesting to see what extra features the keyboards have for serious gamers. It isn't enough any more to just put a different type of switch on a keyboard and sell it.

I love the other mechanical keyboard bashing Corsair are doing on their product pages when talking about the switches they're using...

The action is predictable and linear unlike lesser gaming keyboards that have a tactile bump or the annoying click of a typist’s keyboard.

They're both well spec'd, but it's strange that they didn't make the K60 backlit as well, considering some may be after backlit but don't want all the extra gubbins the K90 comes with. Unless I've missed something and it is backlit.
I love the other mechanical keyboard bashing Corsair are doing on their product pages when talking about the switches they're using...

They're both well spec'd, but it's strange that they didn't make the K60 backlit as well, considering some may be after backlit but don't want all the extra gubbins the K90 comes with. Unless I've missed something and it is backlit.

Nope, it isn't backlit, though for that price I wouldn't expect it to. I was surprised that Corsair has straight away said they have the best key switch for gaming. Many companies are now using different switch types because gamers are asking for them, Corsair are going to eat their words on this one.
I'm a sucker for anything that has a blue glow! Only popped on to have a quick look in General Discussion and ended up ordering the K90, the fiancée is gonna kill me ;)
Damn that Mechanical board looks nice, too late though as I bought a Filco!

would have fitted the bill perfectly at that price point/feature set. Oh well, still <3 my Filco! :D
For all you mechanical keyboard fans, please note that the K60 and K90 does not use a mechanical switch for every key.

It's still unclear at this stage but a Corsair rep has stated the F keys, the num pad and the Ins Home Del etc are rubber dome. Also on the K90 the macro keypad to the left is rubber dome.
Hmm, Think I'll be cancelling my pre-order then, I use most of those keys for WoW so its not much use to me now :(
It does make sense for a pure gaming keyboard, if you dont use those keys in FPS games for example, or maybe once or twice a minute, it benefits you paying less for less keys that you dont use. However on the K90, the MMO keys need to be Mech keys, APM is everything and not having them is a hindrance, i hope to get one in to look at, maybe it isn't as bad as it seems.
The financial aspect is the only reason I could fathom them doing this if it's true. Especially with the K90 macro keypad. For the reasons you pointed out. That was the first thing I thought of when I read the Corsair reps statement. "Why?". If this is true though, what I don't like is there is no mention of the board being a mash up of switch types on their website (as of right now, nor earlier or I'm sure I would have noticed). The only reason it's come to light is because someone from Corsair let it slip on their Facebook page. The Corsair rep could be mistaken of course, but if they're not, how many people were willing to drop cash on these believing they are getting a full red cherry mx board (I was lead to believe it was a fully red board by their product page and I'd be ****ed if I got one only to find that a large portion of the keys were rubber dome)? How many still will because they remain unaware of this Corsair reps claim, only to find that what they thought was fully red is a mash up of switch types.

If true, s'not cool.
Right I have spoken to my UK rep regarding this, he was not aware of the keyboard being hybrid. He is going to get me some confirmed answers ASAP.

Please bear with us when we get this confirmation either way.

It doesn't look too good at the moment though. :(
Right I have spoken to my UK rep regarding this, he was not aware of the keyboard being hybrid. He is going to get me some confirmed answers ASAP.

Please bear with us when we get this confirmation either way.

I spoke to Corsair today, the F keys are all membrane, as are the page down, end etc keys. I actually think this is a good thing for cost saving, anyone who is looking for a pure typing experience isnt going to buy this keyboard, and gamers now have a bigger range of mechanical keyboards to choose from.

Let me ask the question though, i always thought SC2 players used the F keys for macros on keyboards that dont have dedicated keys, like on the Celeritas, in fact the Celeritas is one of the more popular choices for SC2 players in Asia, so do SC2 players like using the F keys, and if so, isn't not have them mechanical a mistake?
It's not really a good thing for cost saving unless you're making the boards and can profit from riding the crest of the mechanical keyboard popularity wave at the moment. Throw a board together to get in on the action featuring some cherry switches with as much functionality as possible at a lower or similar price to your competitors. Then neglect to mention the fact that the board is a hybrid, not full mechanical switch keyboard, make sure all your promotional material emphasises the mechanical nature of your keyboard and no marketing material or videos posted on your own youtube channel mention the hybrid nature of the keyboard, leaving people to make the assumption that what they're buying is not what it appears to be until a corsair rep turns out to say "oh, it's not really a full mechanical switch board, yeah there's some rubber domes in there".

THAT annoys me more than using rubber domes in a keyboard. Will Corsair change their website to make sure buyers are aware they're not getting a full mechanical switch keyboard? Probably not. Or does a macro section not constitute a "full keyboard" and it's a separate entity to the rest of the board it's moulded and stuck to?
That K90 looks amazing (checked out some high res pics of it) and it would have looked lovely sat on my desk but I have a G510 and I'm happy with that at the minute.

Nice to see it has the scroll wheel volume control like the logitech. That wrist rest looks good too.
It's not really a good thing for cost saving unless you're making the boards and can profit from riding the crest of the mechanical keyboard popularity wave at the moment. Throw a board together to get in on the action featuring some cherry switches with as much functionality as possible at a lower or similar price to your competitors. Then neglect to mention the fact that the board is a hybrid, not full mechanical switch keyboard, make sure all your promotional material emphasises the mechanical nature of your keyboard and no marketing material or videos posted on your own youtube channel mention the hybrid nature of the keyboard, leaving people to make the assumption that what they're buying is not what it appears to be until a corsair rep turns out to say "oh, it's not really a full mechanical switch board, yeah there's some rubber domes in there".

THAT annoys me more than using rubber domes in a keyboard. Will Corsair change their website to make sure buyers are aware they're not getting a full mechanical switch keyboard? Probably not. Or does a macro section not constitute a "full keyboard" and it's a separate entity to the rest of the board it's moulded and stuck to?

Love the rant. I see your point, once review units start to ship, the site will most likely be updated and hopefully everyone understands what they are buying. I think OCUK should update the product pages to help buyers.
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