Cost of Living - Shrinkflation is speeding up at an alarming rate

I'm starting to get really ****** off with this country tbh. We seem to live in some weird social experiment where everyone is trying to see how far they can push their luck beforesomething gets done, and they're getting away with it. The latest one I've noticed is the consistency of my smoothies. I love smoothies and go through at least one a week, but have noticed recently that they're so watered down they should really be called juice. And it's everything, almost every single product in a supermarket is now smaller, and in order to get the normal price, you have to scan your nectar/clubcard/whatever. If you don't, then **** you - that's their attitude.

It's not like they're struggling either, these companies are all posting record profits. This is pure greed, plain and simple. The arrogance of it :rolleyes:

I really noticed it a few weeks ago when we drove through France, Belgium and Holland, the stuff you buy there is generally bigger. Even just a packet of gum, each piece was bigger and I got more per pack.

To make matters worse, the French passed a bill stating that if the customer was paying the same for less product, they would need to be informed by a sticker on the shelf.

Our limpdicked government declined that bill because "it helps with obesity" or some other nonsense.

Here's an interesting vid on the subject:

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I'm starting to get really ****** off with this country tbh. We seem to live in some weird social experiment where everyone is trying to see how far they can push their luck beforesomething gets done, and they're getting away with it.

It's not just the cost of things, it's everything.

If you went back even 20 years, which is not that long ago really, and somehow warped everyone forward in time to today, there would be massive riots and all sorts, people wouldn't believe it.

Yet here we are........
I really noticed it a few weeks ago when we drove through France, Belgium and Holland, the stuff you buy there is generally bigger. Even just a packet of gum, each piece was bigger and I got more per pack.
cigarettes are probably 1/3 the price too

They were like 7francs a pack in Switzerland the last time I was over there, but in the UK like twice as expensive.

Where does all our tax money really go? the government should be raking it in compared to other countries

In switzerland they were allowed to do offers on ciggs as well.. 3 packs for the price of 2 etc and also they sometimes came in special metal packets for the same price, or had a free lighter with them.

UK seems to use health and safety as a means to rip people off and price gouge your eyeballs out.
all the sugar tax nonsense etc
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cigarettes are probably 1/3 the price too

They were like 7francs a pack in Switzerland the last time I was over there, but in the UK like twice as expensive.

Where does all our tax money really go? the government should be raking it in compared to other countries

In switzerland they were allowed to do offers on ciggs as well.. 3 packs for the price of 2 etc and also they sometimes came in special metal packets for the same price, or had a free lighter with them.

UK seems to use health and safety as a means to rip people off and price gouge your eyeballs out.
all the sugar tax nonsense etc
Where does the tax go HS2, private pensions for MP's, house of Lords, NHS, illegal migrant hotels, corruption.
cigarettes are probably 1/3 the price too

They were like 7francs a pack in Switzerland the last time I was over there, but in the UK like twice as expensive.

Where does all our tax money really go? the government should be raking it in compared to other countries

In switzerland they were allowed to do offers on ciggs as well.. 3 packs for the price of 2 etc and also they sometimes came in special metal packets for the same price, or had a free lighter with them.

UK seems to use health and safety as a means to rip people off and price gouge your eyeballs out.
all the sugar tax nonsense etc

Exactly. I paid 50 quid for a carton of 10 fags whilst in France. Fiver a packet, here they're at around 250% of that price.

Haven't seen those promo packs in years, we used to get them in Holland. Tins, lighters, all sorts of free promo tat when you bought fags.
Exactly. I paid 50 quid for a carton of 10 fags whilst in France. Fiver a packet, here they're at around 250% of that price.
whats 200 ciggs in the UK about £165

Must be about 120chf for a pack of 200 in geneva airport so about £105

if you book a fligh 2-3 months in advance you can literally get a flight for around 30-35quid.

so you can literally take a flight to Geneva, buy 200ciggs and fly back, costs about the same as it would buying them in the UK... often those 200 packs come with 2 extra packs as well, seemed to be on more often than not when I used to go there a lot.

Seems about 7.20 - 7.60 a pack in france in Euros.

probably actually would save money to fly there. imagine if all smokers did it the amount of jet fuel used for nothing.
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Last time I was in a Tabac (picking up a parcel), the packs of 20 were €12-€13 for the big brands.

Fun French Fact #527: You can only buy tobacco products in Tabacs, restaurants and bars with the correct licence and motorway service stations.
Where does all our tax money really go? the government should be raking it in compared to other countries
You do realise taxes are higher in Switzland and France right? In the case of France, substantially higher. They tax different things a lot more heavily than we do.

It's also worth noting how many more people smoke on the continent and how much more lax the rules are on where you can smoke, this isn't a good thing, particularly as a non-smoker who frankly finds it revolting to be around.
We had a picnic today and the slab of Cadbury fruit and nut was so thin!

Usually one square is a nice mouthful to chew on but now one square is about a third of the old thickness.

It's ridiculous. I've decided that anything that's clearly been reduced in size, I'm not going to buy it. I'll buy an alternative product or go without.
UK seems to use health and safety as a means to rip people off and price gouge your eyeballs out.
all the sugar tax nonsense etc
I'm quite happy for revenue to be raised from the products being flogged by the companies causing the diabetes epidemic.

Would you prefer to just pay more income tax? Someone has to pay for the scourge of diabetes. It would be alright if it just killed people quickly, but it doesn't, it makes people die in a very long, slow, drawn out fashion with colossal medical expenses along the way.
I'm quite happy for revenue to be raised from the products being flogged by the companies causing the diabetes epidemic.
It's peoples eating habits causing the issue, not what's available on the shelves.

ain't the sugar tax only for drinks anyway?
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Two bags of shopping from Iceland, fffing Iceland cost me 60quid.... 4 pack of burgers from the fridge section.... 4.75, nuts
iceland was so cheap before covid.. much better quality than now too.

I go Morrisons mostly and just get a basket of stuff, usually its 40-60quid.

Marks and Spencers will be reasonably priced soon just give it a few more years.
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