Cost to develop a Crowd funding website?

18 Oct 2002
Can someone please give me an estimate of the cost for developing a web site able to accept secure payments and the cost of running ads on journals?

It will be a site where projects can be posted, and where individuals can pledge money towards the financial requirements of the work proposed.

I know nothing about the different types of payment systems on websites; which is the best suited for this? We need a system/account where the collected contributions can be deposit before being invested.

I realise you can pay thousands for development of a website but this doesn't need to be a complicated and extensive website. It just needs to be functional and relatively professional.

Thank you :)
The proposal mentions Kickstarter but states...."The proposed service though will go further combining the crowed funding model with principles used in open access publishing". I think they need a separate website rather than using a service like Kickstarter.
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This will cost you thousands unless you can find someone selling a pre-packaged kickstarter-esque webapp or plugin, which considering you say the proposed service goes further will need a degree of customisation. User accounts, moderated user submitted content, customised payment processing and integration... they don't come cheap.

It all sounds very bespoke.
LOL @ Gary - I will pass that on to my colleague.

Gord - OK that is a start. It costing thousands 'might' not be a problem I just assumed he wanted a low ball figure. Will have a brief chat about his expectations.



Didn't realise the cost of making a website these days, only recent reference I have is a friend who got hers done for £400 :p.
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£5k will get you 5 days of development from a single decent developer - if you are lucky. This includes time to plan, brief and introduce them to the concept. They probably won't even type any (usable) code in that time.

Sure, contract/employing them directly and you'll probably squeeze out a few more days but you aren't going to get diddly of a usable (i.e. deployable) site in that budget.

Add to the cost the design(er) and you haven't even got a website, let alone a usable one.
Right, had a chat. The budget is much larger than I guessed. £15-25k is what I am being told. What costs should we consider in the budget?

Payment method?
That's a very healthy budget and sounds like whoever's planning this has a decent understanding of how web projects work. Makes a nice change from 'I want a Youtube site for £200 LOLZ'.

I think you've covered most bases there.

@DJ - a freelancer charging £1k per day? In London with a highly specific skill, perhaps, but the web agency I work at is £720 per day which I would say is closer to the average. Hell, a half decent contractor will only be around £400 a day - should you be able to find one.
I realise you can pay thousands for development of a website but this doesn't need to be a complicated and extensive website. It just needs to be functional and relatively professional.

They all start simple, un complicated and just "functional", every single bespoke piece of development.

Whoever take son this project should brace themselves for some hardcore scope creep. Enjoy that.
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