counter strike 1.6

Source is crap, its a well known fact, its a completely inferior game completely. That is solely illustrated by hardly any (possibly none) of the major gaming tournaments in the world playing Source. Or playing it on as a big a scale as 1.6.
spirit said:
played on that server just now, with some admin who thought he was the bees knees and was pretty ****.
Ahh I have a feeling who that is. Sorry about that :( I know it wouldn't be the case if I were on.
I'll have a word behind the scenes :)
i was in 4d and also choke but gave up a year ago stressed me out and made my eyes hert!

i also owned #warfinder but sold it to taa gaming
Simmz said:
Yea I still play it, have been doing so for about 5 years now :)

Got a LAN tournament coming up on the 22nd July so bootcamping allthis weekend.

Drop me a msg and you can come play with me and maybe mix with my clan. But we are very high standard so best start practising :P

Interesting, not wanting to be pedantic but CS1.6 has not been out for 5 years. On top of that CS1.6 was the worst incarnation of pre-source CS. Full of spray n pray headshots and what not.
Haly said:
I still play it, although haven't played it much recently due to other commitments.
I'm in a clan but we're still working on getting anywhere match wise, recently won a few in a row though which is good :) is our Clan server, we're called [BbB]
I also frequent from time to time.
Don't mean to be arsey, but you said I couldn't post my ip in the other thread :confused:
PiKe said:
Don't mean to be arsey, but you said I couldn't post my ip in the other thread :confused:
if you think shes going against the FAQ/Rules then RTM her using the little
VeNT said:
if you think shes going against the FAQ/Rules then RTM her using the little
Indeed :)
The pimping rules afaik mean you can't start a thread saying 'Come to this server' etc but if someone asks for servers it's fine. But obviously get full confirmation from a don in case it's changed in the few days since I was last an UB.
Noxis said:
Interesting, not wanting to be pedantic but CS1.6 has not been out for 5 years. On top of that CS1.6 was the worst incarnation of pre-source CS. Full of spray n pray headshots and what not.

I never said 1.6 was out for 5 years...........?
I said I have been playing Counterstrike for 5 years and the MOD was released in 1999 around June/July time.
The game is now 7 years old.
MaXXeH said:
i was in 4d and also choke but gave up a year ago stressed me out and made my eyes hert!

i also owned #warfinder but sold it to taa gaming

Ah the good old 4d days. Remember playing you at WCG back when Nocturne were around.

Don't know if you remember playing against us RATM (Rage Against The Machine) pretty sure it was the Semi finals.
hehe yea i do :P

i sold warfinder not for a lot i me and jezza coded the bots but jez gave up n so did i so he had it for £20 and he gave us a server

i pld it from 0.3 beta :) use 2 love making my own maps.
But like you Max I am getting bored of the game now and to many young ens playing it.

Going to Infinity Gaming Lan in a few weeks and then after that I shall hang my mouse up.
yea i am 21 now and i feel 2 old for the game really just loads of little kids that think they are soo pro. i though that is enuff for me.
i play it more or less every day, just cant get enough, started a few years ago :p

normally just mess around on UK2 public, always top :p

only clan stuff i play is with real life friends, made our own clan, gona join some leagues soon

i could prob easily join a proper clan and play well, but duno playing with my real life friends is more fun :D (but they are kinda noob :( )
nice you owned warfinder, i used to be in a clan with mousey ages ago!! just got banned from that pisstakers.cs server someone posted, for no apparent reason. CS is so annoying like that, if you have one good round you get banned for hacking lol!
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