Country living and an aga

The trouble with townies is they think the countryside is so tranquil and quiet

Bird scarers were the thing that caught me out when I moved years ago. Happily walking the dog and then .... BOOM..... scared the living daylights out of me. :eek:

I also particularly like the effect on a gloomy winter's day when walking through the forest and the distant sound of a tractor, with an attachment that skims the side of forests to keep the trees back, sounds like Godzilla is walking through the fog.
Why don't you use all that spare time to learn to share photos bigger than a postage stamp?

I know, I had to nip out to the garage to get the magnifying glass out. Wouldn't be so bad apart from the fact my garage doesn't have a light so had to use the torch on my phone.
Not happy Dr House!
Don’t forget dead things. Always something killing something or something being killed, or things just dead. It’s very circle of life and ‘earthy’. If you have cats they love to bring you presents in all shapes and size of fur. Don’t be surprised if your cat marches in, pleased as punch and delivers to you the latest thing that it has killed, like a horse or cow or whale. Normally on the duvet, whilst you are in bed. Country cats tend to be a bit hardier and meaner than town cats.
Nice looking place. The countryside isn't all sunshine and 50's tea rooms though, lock all your stuff up.
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