Couple from today using the circular polariser

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I was out and about today and since the sky had plenty of interesting clouds and it was quite bright I thought I'd have a go with the Hoya circular polariser I have. Both shots taken with the Canon 17-40mm f4L and tweaked in the RAW editor. These are only a couple out of about 80 and I haven't spent any time tweaking them properly. I'll have more time to spend on them tomorrow.



Any comments?
Ta :)
Ta, I'll have a play with the settings a bit more later. I'm still trying to get used to Lightroom, for some reason the final result looks very different to what it shows on the screen :confused:

I'll sift through the other 78 shots to see if there's anything worthwhile :p
1) I like the first shot. For some strange reason, I know the white balance is off, as pointed out. However, it just looks good, IMO. Perhaps a little more saturation of the colours wouldn't go a miss, but overall, a nice shot.

2) I like it, it's like somthing you'd get out of a promotional mag or leaflet. but thats it, it doesn't do anything for me. Nice composition and good, vivid colours. So, depending what your looking for, for a 'snap/promotional shot' very good, and i like it, but from the arty POV it does nothign for me either.

Hope that helped, I have no authority on this kinda thing, just voicing my opinions!


Thanks Greg :)

I have noticed something since moving to Adobe Lightroom. When I save my files as JPEGs they look just how I want them in Lightroom and if I view them in Photoshop. However, when I upload them to here or deviantART, they are noticeably flatter, a bit darker and appear to have lost some colour detail.

When I export them in Lightroom, I'm using Adobe RGB settings. Is this the problem, should I use sRGB?

sRGB is better to use for web postings. I use Adobe RGB for my flickr account and can't be bothered creating a second batch of sRGB ones though. Not particularly bothered if they look flat on other peoples screens.
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