Couple of Puppy Pictures

That first shot is great, how you managed is beyond me :)

We lost our old girl a couple of weeks ago, 14 1/2 years old :( Just went to collect a 3 year old today which needed to be rehomed as her owner has cancer, was an extremely sad parting :(
^^Gord^^ said:
Black labs rock!

Nice photos, I agree with the cropping but I'd also boost the colours a little.....


Lol, just seen that, love that purple hair :D
The Photo of the puppy by its self just proves what I was told years ago.

"Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you and pigs treat you as equals" :)

(I wouldn't have thought there could have been black labs and golden labs in the same litter?)

Nice calendar type photo though :)
Belly said:
(I wouldn't have thought there could have been black labs and golden labs in the same litter?)

:D yes they can.

Another couple of images I only have a 64mb memory card at the moment so I left these pictures on my aunties PC and she has just emailed them to me.


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