
28 Oct 2002
Taunton, Somerset
Was looking at insurance quotes, as mine runs out next week....

So uh, they give you a tracker which is useful if its stolen, and the policy is adjusted by mileage at certain times of day...
Is this any good? I don't do a lot of miles, clocking some 3k last year :o

Is this just a slightly dubious semi-scam? Anyone use them and have experiences?
Spent 5 mins filling in the form.

Sorry we have been unable to quote you for coverbox insurance.

Waste of time. 34yr old, driving 17yrs without a claim, in a nice area, car parked in locked garage and doing 6000 miles per year. Obviously I'm far too much of a risk, my history shows that....:rolleyes:
hahaha just did a quote on the care i drive atm and got a quote of 4,434.83 (i currently pay £375 a year i think)
Get a quote...technical error
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Yup, I got far.
I really want to get a tracker fitted to my car by an insurance company.................

Ok, perhaps not....

Indeed, that's the kicker... but i was wondering due to my driving pattern (commute is short & outside of peak hours) if it might have been worthwhile, I don't think so, considering they were only around £50 cheaper than competitors which don't need a tracker.
i wonder how much they vary your renewal quote based on your tendency to speed... Also what clauses (if any) they put around paying out if you have an accident while exceeding the limit....

Any hows surely all you need is one of these + a GPS blocker...
I advocate shopping around for quotes as much as the next person but that's not for me based on the tracker, and the website...
i wonder how much they vary your renewal quote based on your tendency to speed... Also what clauses (if any) they put around paying out if you have an accident while exceeding the limit....

Any hows surely all you need is one of these + a GPS blocker...

Sounds like a plan, but they have foiled it by having a site which doesnt work :p
I've recently joined coverbox, they fitted my tracker on monday. Only quoted myself 4000 miles a year, I cycle to work so only use it socially. I was paying £80 a month before, it's now £43 a month with coverbox. I paid the lot with tracker fitting for £550.

Oh yeah, 23 year old male from Essex, 2.0L Mazda 3 sport, 4 years NCB.
Do they only quote for massively low risk drivers on massively low risk cars or something? They wont quote me or my gf on either of the cars i have tried.
1k to insure my prelude :eek:
Add to the crappy website design/layout/interface they will not be getting my custom.

They obviously have a target audience but its not stated or implied anywhere which is rather anoying when you have to enter your details into that interface.
Looking at all the quotes and lack of wanting to insure anyone, it seems more like a data collection agency than insurance company, personally i won't be sticking my details in!
Looking at all the quotes and lack of wanting to insure anyone, it seems more like a data collection agency than insurance company, personally i won't be sticking my details in!

Exactly why my quote was actually for a Mr kjbnsdfukbnf sdfjkhks and a Miss bhj ukhsckbdf.
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