cpu cooler looks bent

27 Dec 2018
Had my pc for little over a month, a mate in belgium built this for me as nzxt 400i case ryzen3600 cpu and msi armour 2070 was brought at bargain prices.
i am a pc noob still but tipped my case on its back to tidy a cable and noticed the cpu cooler is sitting crooked and is tilting more on 1 side??
it sits nice and flush at bottom of gpu and above the top exhaust fans but leaning over a bit...
ran cpuid temps are good and even bench tested it with this,i also ran cinebench and temps are 81 very very max and benched it a few times..
plays warzone bf5 bf1 faultless so i know temps are good.
got me thinking is this just a bent cpu cooler or it could not be seated correctly or can it be unscrewed and then refitted just to make it sit nice straught??
cooler is arctic freezer 34 esports duo cpu cooler and fins are not damaged cpu has no damage
It’s bugging me now as I know it’s sitting crooked lol,Do I buy a new cpu cooler or is the mounting for this cooler on a spring retention type fitting and just maybe it’s not screwed down evenly? I just don’t know.
Its not spring retention. If it wasnt fitted properly the CPU would be overheating & throttling, so check your CPU Temperatures. It could be the cooler is fitted fine, but the motherboard isn't fitted to the case properly, or theres an obstruction behind the board (could be poor cable management) that's caused the board to not fit right?. One possible way to check this if you look at the input/output motherboard backplate & see if anything looks odd to you.
Try to gently press downwards (towards the motherboard) on the cooler on the side that's higher up (out away from the case/motherboard), if it wobbles or can depress, then it's not fitted on properly.

Not sure it's the motherboard personally. The GPU card itself appears straight. The MSI looks off because of the shroud itself I think isn't straight (it's sloped at an angle at certain places I think). But that cooler I agree looks off. And unless using a riser cable, I don't see how the GPU can be straight and the motherboard isn't. And only if the motherboard also is a small one, which I don't think is the case.
Motherboard is definitely straight on its place when graphics card's PCB is perfectly aligned.
Also if heatsink base was that much misaligned CPU would be definitely overheating and very hot even in light load.
Though would expect that cooler to be capable to better temps with only six core CPU, unless BIOS is keeping fan speeds down.

Most likely cooler's heatpipes have bent making fin stack misaligned to base.
Easiest way to figure it out is remove cooler and set it on something flat. Obviously wipe TIM off so it doesn't get on whatever flat surface you set cooler on. Set it down, look to see if it looks bent one one, if it does turn it 180 and it should look bent the other way.
Easiest way to figure it out is remove cooler and set it on something flat. Obviously wipe TIM off so it doesn't get on whatever flat surface you set cooler on. Set it down, look to see if it looks bent one one, if it does turn it 180 and it should look bent the other way.

wish i could do this doyll but i have no paste to be able to reseat it...

i dont know much about building pc but in looking after my children while my other half works i also decided to take my motherboard out as i tried to wobble and see if any play was on the cooler mountings but i couldnt see nothing and the more i thought about it the more i wanted to check and see if motherboard had a crack in it even.
This cooler really do look bent to me faulty from the beggining and even a few fins are slightly bent but not enough to actually bend these cooler pipes from the base i know that much..


Do it look bent a manufacture fault from the very beggining???
its taken me most of the day dismantling my pc take these photo and put it back together again but its up and running as normal now..
So i have no choice but to purchase a new cooler knowing mine is ok but just bent? in reality i cant live with that so i just buy a new one if there nothing i can do.....
last question i did not take cooler off but i did unscrew all 4 mounting and i screwed them back again evenly as i could and just ran cinebench 4 times and my max temp was 89d with a all high score , unsure what prevous temps was but im thinking it was just 2/3 degree lower than 89d so maybe i disturb the paste a tiny bit? can i still use my pc still and game with it until i fix this bent cooler?
my monitor 1440 but i game at 1080 but am i correct gaming in this way is not like benchmartking my cpu like cinebench test?
Esat do you think i should go into my bios and just ramp my cooler fan up by about %30 just to keep this cpu running a little cooler? i never new i could do this and it makes sense after unscrewing the cooler mounting and screwing them back up tighly again as i have no paste and i couldnt take cooler off?????
sorry for these questions i am a noob that will learn by my problems and reading build posts on this forum
thanks again

Photo not coming out in my reply? But if you guys press the link you can see what I mean in these photo
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It does look like your cooler has been sat on, or dropped and then stepped on. As even when I re-align your photo, I cannot get a proper alignement from the fin-stack with the case below by 3 degrees, and I have a hard time believing that Arcitc will be selling these with such a large deviation from what they manufacture and show as their "normal" selves. (The base on the right of the last pic looks like it "might" be higher than the left side too, but that might just be a perspective thing.)

You did say in OP that you mate purchased some (or all?) components at a bargain price. How much was a bargain price was this?

The good news is, even with what little paste you have left on (so long as there is some), it should let your machine work still, just hotter. Get some paste and re-apply some to the CPU and the Cooler and you should have a functional system again that the same as before.
Cooler was standard price no discount on that and it was amazon Belgium where he brought it from, he’s actually going to find out and see if they will send out a replacement..
Only parts at discount was case gpu and because i got it a a good price we came up with the conclusion he will buy rest at normal price build the pc and ship to me.. which only took 4 days at a cost of £15...
the box was undamaged the case was fine and gpu was good so I just think he didn’t notice the faulty cooler when he installed it and I’ve had it over a month and only just noticed it..
I shall get a new cooler or a direct replacement as I just know it’s crooked and it’s bugging me.
Ok that’s a good news pc can be used as normal until such time I get a new cooler.
Have you asked builder if it was tipped back when he installed it? Was system shipped to you after assembly?

I ask because If I was building a system for someone and found cooler bent like that one is I would not give it to them, not unless they knew about the bent cooler.
Was that left side mounting nut loose?
Gap below mounting bar likely wouldn't belong there.

think he didn’t notice the faulty cooler when he installed it
Would have to be pretty darn blind to not notice fin stack being that skewed.
Heck, that should be detectable blindfolded, if having open case of flat surface.

Those direct touch heatpipes aren't really attached that tightly to heatsink's base:
So it could be possible that case was shipped/dropped rear downward and weight of fin stack and two fans twisted those heatpipes out of position in impact.
The builder ie a friend didn’t even know that the cooler was this bent and he don’t understand how he didn’t notice it, he was in a frenzy messaging me today and getting all flustered about it. He’s a good guy I trust him he is a loyal friend who been trying to get me back into gaming after 9 years. He even paid for gpu that I couldn’t afford but told me I owe him
And he couldn’t let the offer slip as it’s a good deal being under warranty still.
He’s not short of money and he’s even asking me what cooler I like as he’s willing to buy it but it’s no problem it’s working fine it’s not stopping me from
Gaming and doing what I do on it and at the end of the day it’s only a £30 cooler from the time I brought it so it’s no big deal I will just buy another one.
The cooler is not bent by being sat on its side as it would have damage the board before bending 6 heat pipes. I am no specialists but what I do know if damage was done while fixed onto board then the board would deff been damage also as it takes a lot lot force to bend 6 cooler pipes like it is on photo.
Yes the pc was shipped even with gpu installed and I was horrified and worried that gpu board was not broken. But it was well packaged and no signs of damaged on boxes case or components. This case is a nzxt400i with glass side panel and nothing is broken while in transit. It’s a
Manufactures fault I believe.
It I am glad I found the problem and I can still use it and game on it and knowing mobo is fine and it’s just a cooler that bent, the guys been a big help today and I am confident on fitting a new cooler when I buy one.

with regards to the mounting of the cooler the standoff's don't look the same height to me the right side looks taller and the way its mounted confirms the left side is lower, i'd head online and buy some thermal paste and have a look, it may need a new cooler but this time, follow the instructions so the mounting screws for the cooler are all the same height to avoid a wonky cooler install
Cpu cooler has those thin wire type retention bar holding the fans on and when I opened the box I noticed the fans broke loose from
The cooler and just wobbling around and I had to refit the fans onto the cooler again
Esat the photo I took
Of this cooler is when I loosened the bolts and hand tighten the bolts up again.
I even tried to tighten more on 1 side than the other to try make it sit correctly but no it’s sitting flush and I tighten them
Up evenly after taking the photo and posting it.
Sorry my bad but no matter what I done this is how it sits
ast question i did not take cooler off but i did unscrew all 4 mounting and i screwed them back again evenly as i could and just ran cinebench 4 times and my max temp was 89d with a all high score

that is a very high temp for a 3600, i'd say the cooler isn't mounted properly or was damaged in transit, you shouldn't exceed 75 degrees with any ryzen 3rd gen cpu's
Yes I think it was damaged in transit, few of the fins are damaged ie little bent and with the fans loose with in the case of arrival I think it’s been dropped and google search has told me the cpu cooler heat pipes and fins are soft metals as this helps with dispersing the heat. i
Will check the packaging tomorrow and see if there’s even the slightest of damage on boxes.
I would have thought other components would have broken 1st but what do I know..
Temperature is few degrees higher now I have noticed as I
Have disturbed the paste I imagine when I loosened retighten the cooler again.
Before I knew about this in warzone cpu sat at 70degrees but I shall test again soon.
I shal Google and find out how to up my cpu cooler speed within bios and see if that make any difference for now until such time I get a new cooler.
I would have thought other components would have broken 1st but what do I know..

you're very lucky the gpu wasn't ripped out of the pci-e slot, with how bent the cooler is, it suggests the pc has had a fair knock in transit.
i'd be straight online and buy some thermal paste and a replacement cooler, something on the lines of this


if you can chat with the person who built it see if they will offer to send another cooler for you before you do the above step, send the photo's and see what they say. Until then don't run anything too cpu intensive as above 75 degrees wont do the cpu any favors in the long run
you're very lucky the gpu wasn't ripped out of the pci-e slot, with how bent the cooler is, it suggests the pc has had a fair knock in transit.
i'd be straight online and buy some thermal paste and a replacement cooler, something on the lines of this


Thank you i will order this cooler and thermal paste now, you say temps are high thats me done with gaming until my parts arrive.
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