CPU Fan Error

1 May 2003
I am round at my mates house, and every time he starts his computer, he always gets CPU Fan error, press F1 to continue. This is happening at the startup screen, before windows kicks in. After he presses F1, everything is back to normal. Windows loads up fine, and when he even restarts his computer, he doesn't get the error again.

I can see that the fan is working, as when you press the power button, its starts normally. The CPU fan is plugged into the mobo in the correct slot and the temps are around 25c. His system is AMD Skt 754

Ant suggestions :confused:
Probably not getting enough RPM for the mobo not to be a bitch about it.

If you're sure it's safe, just disable the cpu fan warning in BIOS.
Is the fan spinning to slowly to register the RPM! my mums pc does the same, turn on from cold shows cpu fan fault press f1 to continue, you can see the fan running.

Yeah, just checked it out myself. I can see the fan running at startup, but its not the fastest. But it does kick it after a bit of time and before Windows. So it seems that a new Fan is probernly required.

I have just disabled the cpu warning in the bios as masslac recommended.

Cheers :)
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