CPU Maxing out on CSS.. oh dear

16 Jan 2010
I was playing my favourite map on CSS (office) last night and noticed that it was running a bit steady. When I checked the loads - the CPU was nearly @ 100& and the GPU (5670) was only at 30%.

I'm only running at 1024 x 1050 (I think) and expected that with a 5200 @ 3Gig and the 5670 I should be flying. Even on the recommended settings it seems to lag. CSS is not by any means a new game so surely I should be OK?

Is it time for a little upgrade?
The source games are more CPU dependant than GPU but you should certainly not be maxing out CSS on your PC. CSS is quite old now and ran fine on the hardware availiable back then.

Doesn't sound like you got your res right, possibly 1680x1050?

Does it do it on all maps? What kind of FPS do you get in general?
That res sounds more like it but I think its was a 4:3 - the widescreen resolutions seemed to fit my screen right.

It does it on most maps and there was 30+ people playing at the time.

Not really sure what FPS I get in other games cause I don't play them. I use my 360 for games when I can be bothered.

I am running a Vmware 2003 server but the machine idles quite nice at 1/2% load when nothing is running locally.
Check whats actually using the CPU - there used to be an old bug in steam + source games where the steam task would randomly sit there using 100% CPU in the background I thought it was solved years back but it might be rearing its ugly head.
it was the HL2 process that was getting all the cpu - steam was well down there.

I moved over to using a different map and server and It seems much better now. Might have been something to do with the huge number of players playnig.

Oldie but a goodie.
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