Crash *Spoilers*

Just watched this, infact the credits is rolling up on my other monitor as i type this.

First impression, overhyped and I don't know if it deserved the best picture Oscar. I can't help but think this is a cross between Traffic and Magnolia but throw in the subject of Racial problems in Western society. There is a racist cop, a racist black youth who dispise the white population (windows on the bus so people can see black people inside? WTF? Buses in Scandinvia have no windows do they?), then there are the victims of racial abuse.

I agree the acting is good, the script is fine, but it doesn't do anything for me, i'll forget about this tomorrow and will have no urges to watch this again.

p.s. I really hated that shopkeeper, which part of the sentence that he has to replace the door that he doesn't understand?
Raymond Lin said:
p.s. I really hated that shopkeeper, which part of the sentence that he has to replace the door that he doesn't understand?
In town where blacks and latinos are majority everyone thinks the iranian shopkeeper is an arab who hates them. Because they are partialy racist. He thinks all latinos and blacks out there want to steal from him and cheat him. Because he is partialy racist. Both sides are wrong. Both sides are right. He does hate them. And they do indeed steal from him. Being racist doesn't make you bad. Being politically correct doesn't make you good. If you don't trust black and latinos you are right. If you trust whites you are wrong. Regardless of colour and race the only things that make us different is whether we are good or bad and wise or stupid.
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Personally, the film for me had very little to do with race. I saw it first and foremost about highlighting how people show different faces in different situations and to different people. You see Matt Dillon's character acting like a disgusting bigot in one scene, and in another he saves the woman's life. There are numerous other examples, such as the black guy involved with film production/direction, who shows one face when he's around the people he works with, and another at home. You then have Ludacris' character, who is obviously supposed to be fairly intelligent, yet is also a criminal by night. You could say the film was about contrasts, and metaphorical white and black... Things you say and things you think may not necessarily make you a bad person, it is what you do that defines you. However, there is neither white or black there, because even good people do bad things.

Secondly, the film portrayed the proliferation of guns in the USA - people are too quick to reach for the gun to solve a problem.

Race seemed like a vehicle, but not a major thing.
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daz said:
Personally, the film for me had very little to do with race. I saw it first and foremost about highlighting how people show different faces in different situations and to different people. You see Matt Dillon's character acting like a disgusting bigot in one scene, and in another he saves the woman's life. There are numerous other examples, such as the black guy involved with film production/direction, who shows one face when he's around the people he works with, and another at home. You then have Ludacris' character, who is obviously supposed to be fairly intelligent, yet is also a criminal by night. You could say the film was about contrasts, and metaphorical white and black... Things you say and things you think may not necessarily make you a bad person, it is what you do that defines you. However, there is neither white or black there, because even good people do bad things.

Secondly, the film portrayed the proliferation of guns in the USA - people are too quick to reach for the gun to solve a problem.

Race seemed like a vehicle, but not a major thing.

That's a good way to look at it too, even so, good editing, and acting in a average movie.
It enjoyed it. It's not my favourite movie, but nonetheless a good one.

Like you say - there was very good editing because the movie had a good pace and unlike Magnolia (which is also a good film) didn't drag on for too long. :)
Just finished watchin it and thought it was an amazing film something nice and different to the usual crap they make these days such as hostel :rolleyes: was talking to a friend who said it was rubbish but thought id watch it any way and im very glad i did, but it think its one of those movies weather you love it or hate it there is no middle ground.
I thought it was excellent, how so many of the characters had inherent prejudices and the way the experiences of the various characters in the film were interwoven.

If you want to see an excellent film with an interwoven plot and a good story get Traffic (also with Don Cheadle).
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