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It must be other hardware, my CPU/MOBO/RAM is pretty outdated, I've got the Vertex 2E in my laptop now and I've noticed that it's probably on the windows logo for quite a lot longer now, maybe about 5 seconds longer.
on my 64gb Crucial C300 drive i don't even get half way through the logo before it boots, i.e, so maybe three times quicker than yours. But that's with a 3570k at 4.5ghz (makes a big difference to boot times).

my i3 2120 with samsung F3 1tb boots a lot quicker than his video...:p
Well that would assume something is wrong with my configuration. Unless you're not taking other things into account.

Exactly how many seconds of the boot procedure does your bios and all the other things take up before the actual Windows bit. On my Laptop the boot is quicker, but the time on the Windows splash screen is quite a bit longer, the actual post section is about 1 second on my Laptop compared to like 6 on the PC.
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Seems to me it's your BIOS that's dog slow.
Same bios kills my boot times compared to my lappy (same SSD), even though my lappy has a crappy old sub- 2Ghz proccessor.
Go figure.
Windows loading time is good.
Maybe some ppl are missing the fact it's your BIOS that's slow. Your SSD seems fine.

Am I wrong? Or WTF has your CPU got to do with your BIOS?

on my 64gb Crucial C300 drive i don't even get half way through the logo before it boots, i.e, so maybe three times quicker than yours. But that's with a 3570k at 4.5ghz (makes a big difference to boot times).
Your CPU doesn't matter until after the BIOS has finished, so maybe you shave a couple of seconds from Boot with your uber CPU. But you are using SATA 6Gb, so it should be faster. :confused:
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