Crazy Tesco

9 Sep 2009
AM I mad or are they ??

Apparently one percent of all UK electricity is wasted due to open fridges in supermarkets. I thought I’d do my bit to try and save the planet and wrote to the CEO of Tesco.
*********** WT??? Spoiler ehh what ??****************
Here’s the spoiler if you can’t be bothered to read too much otherwise skip this stared bit.
Nick has explained to me that a new cold air removal system was installed in the store earlier this year, at the same time as some other work took place. However, as you’ve seen and felt, this hasn’t had the desired effect.

Hello Ken,
We all know Tesco is great. I love your pineapples. I freeze them and make a sorbet, delicious
. However, Dorchester Tesco is freezing, honestly the all staff are wearing jackets. Please save some electricity for the rest of us, it most be costing you a fortune. Together we can save the planet
Yours Sincerely
Stephen Hammond
Here are the replies

Hello Stephen
Than you for your email to Ken Murphy, our Chief Executive. I’ve been asked to respond on Ken’s behalf and I’m very sorry that you found our Dorchester store to be so cold during your recent visit.
Like you say people aren’t pineapples, and we’ve got no plans to turn customers or colleagues into a delicious sorbet, so it’s best that our stores are kept at a temperature they find comfortable. We also don’t want to be wasting any electric uneccesserily, so I’m glad that you’ve let us know about this.
I’ve asked Nick Boucher, our Store Manager, for his comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve heard from him.
Kind regards,
Lewis Gorrie
Customer Service Specialist
On behalf of the Chief Executive’s Office
Tel: 0800 072 6685

Good morning Stephen
Thank you for your patience while I’ve been looking into the concerns you raised about the temperature fo our Dorchester store.
Nick has explained to me that a new cold air removal system was installed in the store earlier this year, at the same time as some other work took place. However, as you’ve seen and felt, this hasn’t had the desired effect. Nick is very aware of the impact this is having on everyone in the store, including those working there, and is working with our maintenance team to find a solution.
I’m sorry that there’s no instant fix here, but I hope this reassures you that we are aware of the problem and intend to put it right.
Kind regards,
Lewis Gorrie
Customer Service Specialist
On behalf of the Executive’s Office
Tel: 0800 072 6685
How we have open freezers in super markets is quite disgusting really.

It should be banned. And that's not Just because of our issues now. It's just utter waste.
I remember when Mr Bobby was Christmas number one, he used to be on Noel's house party.

Anyone remember back then? Before the world turned to ****.
yup. i actually blame noels house party for much of the ills the world faces today. that program had a detrimental impact on the mental well being of a lot of people!! :p
This is sort of interesting. I work with an energy accounting firm in Denmark. They look after a lot of supermarkets. Apparently they can tell through the electricity consumption when employees have overfilled the open top freezers because they function differently (probably higher energy consumption).

So I don't think OP is as crazy as he sounds.
The only open freezers I see in my supermarkets are the ones where idiots can't be bothered closing the doors after opening them

The open refridgerators though, they could do with some doors
couple of my local supermarkets still have those big ole chest type freezers that are permanently open (no actual lid) i imagine those cost a fortune to run.
How we have open freezers in super markets is quite disgusting really.

It should be banned. And that's not Just because of our issues now. It's just utter waste.

Cold air is more dense so will settle in the chest. If you put a door on it, that is basically a huge fan which will waft the cold air out each time it's opened and replace it with warmer air.
I suspect that the difference in energy use between an open chest freezer and one with a door is not as big as you'd think.
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