Creating a batch file to shutdown a network?

12 Mar 2004
What usage of the shutdown.exe command do I need to use to shutdown all computers on a network at once? Preferably I would like to add a 60s timer warning people to save all their work etc...
Energize said:
Will -m \\* work?

? no, but this might

psshutdown \\* -m "message"

be prepared to use pskill to turn off certains apps beforehand,
some 3rd party apps are written by retarded monkeys and don't die without a fight.
Oh you have to download it :o , is there no way to do this without installing extra software? I thought microsoft would have included these basic commands with the os.
you only need it on one pc (yours) chuck pstools into system32 folder, so you don't need to give paths for them, and can run them from anywhere :)

as long as you give admin details, it'll work for the domain :)
it's not installed, it's a standalone proggie.
MS didn't write it, they just bought the s/w off someone else
(but being MS, they added a disclaimer to click 1st)
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