Creating a review website

Thanks mate, I ended up doing it with a different script:

Plugin Name: MuchReviews Google Analytics Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds a Google analytics tracking code to the <head> of your theme, by hooking to wp_head.
Author: Alex
Version: 1.1
add_action( 'wp_head', 'MuchReviews_GoogleAnalytics' );
function MuchReviews_GoogleAnalytics() {
$analytics = "<script type='text/javascript'>

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX 1']);
_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'none']);
_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);

(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);


echo $analytics;

I THINK it's working now :)
Hi mate, yeah PHP was installed, I've got it working now, but I've still screwed the PHP file association up, I accidentally told it to always open PHP files with Explorer.exe and now I can't change it back lol.

I ended up making a new website site in IIS that pointed to the PHP file I wanted to open and then ran through the install that way lol.

The site is up now, but empty. I'm just working on a logo at the moment :)

Learning how much I SUCK at photoshop lol
If you right click the files in explorer then click 'Open With' you can change the final associations. You could however just open up the directory in your browser at localhost/yourdocroot :)

/edit on a completely unrelated note... did you used to play BF3? With LVL?

I did indeed, feels like many moons ago! What was your name on it? I remember being in a squad with Kawusa, JGStonedRaider and a few others. Was great fun!!
If you right click the files in explorer then click 'Open With' you can change the final associations. You could however just open up the directory in your browser at localhost/yourdocroot :)

I did indeed, feels like many moons ago! What was your name on it? I remember being in a squad with Kawusa, JGStonedRaider and a few others. Was great fun!!

Cheers dude, I was DJ_Enigma79 on BF3 :) yeah I played with Kawusa and JGStonedRaider too at times :)

I have started playing BF3 again since I got a new mouse, really enjoying it.
Something seems to have gone wrong with the site though for some reason, I've just put a couple of draft reviews on there, but on the main page the full review is posted instead of a snippet with a "read more..." button like it had on the first two reviews I put on there :/
Does anyone know if there is a file in a wordpress configuration that will show which plugins are installed and active? I'm trying to work out which plugins I had in use on my last backup and I want to restore a file that will tell me rather than restoring the whole lot and loading the site up if possible.


Does anyone know if there is a file in a wordpress configuration that will show which plugins are installed and active? I'm trying to work out which plugins I had in use on my last backup and I want to restore a file that will tell me rather than restoring the whole lot and loading the site up if possible.



This will be in the database to my knowledge. You best fire up SQL file into text viewer and find the right table. I'd imagine it's called plugin / plugins or something, but don't have any wp installs as reference!
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