Creature ID

Must be young, I remember Stag Beetles from years ago got rather large. They are amazing creatures.

I remember handling them as a kid and never got bitten but I would keep your fingers away just in case. :p

As for The Mummy - those are Scarab Beetles IIRC.
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Me too, but there are tonnes of the things out there, and seeing the sparrowhawk in action was worth losing a few.

Tbh, I did feel a bit more remorse over the blackbird.

had a sparrowhawk take out two pigeons in our garden over the years. looks like someone ripped up a pillow.

We have a sparrowhawk around, seen one in our garden every year for the past 4 years, using it as a dinner table, the only place I’ve seen them. We can frequently spot Red Kites, Buzzards and Kestrels but the sparrowhawk is far more elusive.
Caught one on CCTV taking down a pigeon but finally managed to snap one munching on a blackbird a few weeks ago :)

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