Credit card fraud - how is this scenario possible?

My wife had this, Sunday at some random retailer in Holland, furniture shop IIRC. Lloyds card too!
Got it taken off and new card coming.


Wait... are you my wife?
Yeah exactly the same retailer!
Thanks for posting!

Mine was 62.90.
This is exactly 75 euros. Like yours 80 euros

This must be a vulnerability on their side! Not good!

I'm going to be having words if they say I've authorised it but that was a lie.

I am free on Wednesdays for proxy wifing.
But I expect only the best and to be treated like the queen I am!
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All of your cards should ping a notification for any transaction made using them in realtime, this includes physical card use. If they don't then set up your wallet on the phone or bank app to do this.

The perps just used another verification method for that transaction as they leafed your CC details some way at some point, probably from a store backend breach or some such.

As for the Firefox comment someone else made, nonsense. open source can be more secure, major exploits get seen to rather quickly. I think that IT team is full of boomers who haven't left the year 2003 or zoomers who joined under the boomer eye.
My lloyds debut does. Can't seem to find the setting for the CC.

My Amex does as well
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