Credit Card Question

Set it up so that the credit card is paid by direct debit, ensure you never end up with a stupendously stupid credit limit ie €300000000 or whatever and you should be sorted.

Got a credit card so I could order all my parts from OCUK and then found out about the credit limit, had to use my parents credit card in the end up anyways.

Oh, and also ensure you've always got money in the bank (It's always helpful)
Got a credit card so I could order all my parts from OCUK and then found out about the credit limit, had to use my parents credit card in the end up anyways.

You can usually overpay your credit card allowing you purchase expensive items. i.e. you have a clear $1000 limit CC, you pay $1000 more onto it, now you can buy something upto $2000. Its worked for me several times in the past.
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