Crippled by indecisions on purchases

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post purchase - it's the buyers remorse & cognitive dissonance you have to deal with (for cars you have the mftr adverts though, predominately to reassure buyers)

why do you need a mouse mat .. I have a 'laser' mouse that works on an surfaces and doesn't scratch ... and laptop can be moved to different surfaces w/o problems...
on the other hand a heated mouse mat is something i've researched.
Stop looking at too many reviews, your muddling yourself up. Half of them have been given the product for free or are trying to draw people to affiliate links.
I suffer with this, I use to enjoy doing a bit of research but I feel like it's just got out of hand. I've spent months researching for a new backpack and still undecided, when I finally decide on one it'll probably be from some bespoke company in a far away country that'll cost me a fortune.
Maybe I should put all my requirements into chatgpt and whatever it spits out buy that one or just go to some big Outdoors store and simply buy the one that I like best.
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Todays one…..I need a new mouse mat. It’s going too cost £15 but I’ve spent 3 days looking at options, colours, brands and then close the browser again and think I’ll come back to it.

My new desk? Took 4 months of deciding to get one or not
New razor because my old electric one is a bit blunt and pulling hairs….still out for a decision.
It’s the same with most things, clothes are even worse!

When I do, finally, buy something it’s not really a pleasure, it’s more relief, and then buyers remorse! Urgh. Even my wife gets peeved off at me though that’s most likely because she has no interest in the mouse mat and doesn’t want to look at reviews of them :D

I’m fortunate enough to be able to buy things when I need them, I just get this crippling indecisiveness about it all. What if it’s wrong? I don’t like it? It’s not a good brand? Billy from Salisbury only gave it 4 stars instead of 5??

It’s annoying as heck! Anyway, anymore recommendations about large mousepads to drive me nuts for another few days.

I used to suffer a lot from this when I was younger.

The solution is to change the focus of the purchase. You are in effect just changing the way you think about the purchase.

Instead of searching for the best product, what you do is focus on is providing the best service to the customer. The customer is you. Running the perfect business, time is an important factor. Spend too much time and you wouldn't make a profit. Just keep thinking in terms of running the best business. You are a pro! You do your best and time is a factor.

Once you have made the purchase, like a business, you move on, because it's not profitable to continue thinking about a completed job.

All the time, think about that business and maintaining your profit.
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Anything that is not amazon. I never buy from them and their similars.

Thank you, whilst on the odd occasion it just isnt really viable to avoid, I basically try to where ever possible. I check retailers own online shops use google etc. I also use ebay a lot.

I order very little from Amazon, they are a greasy company.
My missus always laughs at me that I take so long to research and buy anything. I just like to make sure I'm getting the best thing for my money and that I'm not going to regret buying it or wish I'd bought something else. It does sometimes lead me down the rabbit hole though.
It's nice to hear other people struggle like this. I find it hard to decide, because what if there's a better option, one that's better value or works better for the same money... etc etc. There is far too much choice these days and if you're a bit inclined towards decisions having to be close to perfect, it makes it very hard indeed.
Absolutely yes to this.

A few weeks ago I decided I wanted a double desk lap for my computer desk and on Amazon I put a load of contenders into a list. They're all still sat there and I cannot make up my mind. I do this for most things, more so if they are expensive. What I will do eventually is just force myself to order one and be done with it.

Part of it is I enjoy the research into buying something, watching videos on YouTube etc. I look into a new hobby, do loads of research, and most of the time I don't end up taking up the hobby. Air rifles a recent example.
Part of the fun is the research part. But I can quickly narrow it down to a few no problem.

I need a NVME enclosure, I already know I want 40gb/s and fanless, that narrows the choice to like 3 on the market. Slept on it a few days and made a decision.

For things with more choice, like hotels, I just set a budget, using filters to narrow it down, cross reference with google maps on location vs convenience. Make shortlist and then book.

For clothing…if it fits, and looks fine in the mirror then I’ll just get it.

Actually, I can’t say I have this problem lol. Narrowing the criteria down and then sticking to it is the important part.
lol. This thread made me laugh cause I see a lot of myself in it.

Especially when it comes to buying something that I know nothing about, I spend a LOT of time researching to discover what are the key feature points, and ensuring I'm not missing out in the latest bit of innovation in that particular area.

For example wanted a form of heat to keep the loft from getting too cold. Had a burst pipe a couple of years ago and don't want a repeat. doesn't need to get warm, just help the pipe area stay above freezing. So there are tube heaters, heaters for greenhouses, panel heaters, blow heaters, infrared bulb heaters, heaters that you can control via wifi, heaters that have an anti-frost mode etc etc.

Some of them are bound to be dung, some are bound to be ok, but I want the one that precisely matches my use case !

To be fair a lot of my research for stuff starts on OC fourms.
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why do you need a mouse mat

That’s part of it, I don’t need it but I’d like one for my new desk set up. But it’s the same with everything I would like, and not necessarily need, I just get stuck. I’ll research and find something and then talk myself out if it because I don’t need it. I can afford “stuff” but have this block in my that just worries about all manner of things and then leaves the money in the bank to sit and do nothing.

I appreciate I’m fortunate to be able to spend some cash without thinking about it (hah).

on the other hand a heated mouse mat is something i've researched.
lol I won’t start looking at those!
The bane of my life.

Clothes are the worst as because the differences aren't tangible.. What.. Surely that makes it easier..... No it's impossible to make a decision.

I don't want to think how much time I waste on this stuff. I'm actively trying to not fuss over details because it's such a time sink
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A friend has a theory (he may have stolen it from somewhere else), that you only get so many decisions in life and not to be bogged down with them. He almost always buys what he needs pretty quickly.

I'm like most of you, sadly. Very jealous of those who don't get themselves wrapped up in the nonsense that x is better than y marketing.
I'm similar my mate says my purchasing story's are like a roller coaster. I flipped between buying and not buying a new monitor several times, then I was indecisive about getting a second, ordered it, cancelled it, decided I wouldn't get a second, then sold my old one easily and for a decent price, so then did buy a second one, so again have another to sell, which was one of the reasons I uhm'd and ah'd about getting a new one, getting rid of the old.

Oh and as for mouse mats (well desk mats) I have 6, as I can never decide which to have on my desk, get bored with it easily and get a new one (although to be fair most come from Temu for like £6!)
Well I put my big boy pants on and ordered a mouse pad today, one off the list of things to agonise over.
I ordered it from here too, not going to say which one as I’d then get peoples views on it :D

Glad I’m not the only one to struggle with this stuff though
I am only like this when it comes to trying to watch something on a streaming service like Amazon prime and Netflix. For everything else if I see something I like i'll just buy it.
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