Crisps you would like to see come back...

Walkers have a promotion on right now with a range called "I'm back!"

Old flavours which consist of:

Cheese and Chive
Toasted Cheese

Not sure if there are anymore these are what I saw in the shop earlier, grabbed some marmite ones:)

EDIT: Just realised they got Beef and Onion and Lamb and Mint too! I loved the beef and onion ones.
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Walkers have a promotion on right now with a range called "I'm back!"

Old flavours which consist of:

Cheese and Chive
Toasted Cheese

Not sure if there are anymore these are what I saw in the shop earlier, grabbed some marmite ones:)

EDIT: Just realised they got Beef and Onion and Lamb and Mint too! I loved the beef and onion ones.
lamb and mint were nice :D
Walkers have a promotion on right now with a range called "I'm back!"

Old flavours which consist of:

Cheese and Chive
Toasted Cheese

Not sure if there are anymore these are what I saw in the shop earlier, grabbed some marmite ones:)

EDIT: Just realised they got Beef and Onion and Lamb and Mint too! I loved the beef and onion ones.

You can already buy Marmite crisps although not made by Walkers I don't think. Morrisons sell them.
They always have these flavour voting competitions but you never see the winning flavour in the shops, or if you do, it's not for long.
I want walkers tomato flav crisps back, they were delish. Also niknaks i dunno flav but they really arnt the same as modern ones.

Need more pickled onion type crisps back, some still do em but i dunno, not the same. I mean monster munch did a nice one but the current PO flav they do isnt the same at all i think.

Damn the government and making all nice stuff be less flavorsome due to reduced salt or whatever that makers had to cut back on.
Brannigans roast beef and mustard. Oh my gosh they were good.

Also, Frazzles.. but I think they started making them again?

On another note: Walkers Worcester sauce flavour mmmmm
Brannigans roast beef and mustard. Oh my gosh they were good.

Also, Frazzles.. but I think they started making them again?

On another note: Walkers Worcester sauce flavour mmmmm

They both are still being sold, Poundland for the Brannigans, and Frazzles never stopped?

EDIT: Just realised your across the pond.
I love Smiths Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries, Newsagent and corner shop places sell them for like 60p a bag but Poundstretchers and some pound shops always have 6 pack multipacks in for £1. They are the same weight as the single corner shops bags too which you don't often find with multipack crisps.
I would have said Brannigans beef & mustard, but I happened to find a multipack in Poundland a few weeks ago. They tasted like I remember them, though it had been over 10 years since my last go. Not in the paper-coated packets any more, though

Exactly what I was thinking - these were (are?) the best flavour of crisps ever!
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