Critical Incident *breaking news* - Another stabbing!

What has happened to this country.

Too few police
No tough sentences
Stop and search is racist apparently
Kids getting killed

Bancroft is in our school group, so that hits a little harder tbh.

It’s sad to grow old enough to be seeing and saying what I’d laugh at my granddad for saying.
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To be fair there were a couple of attacks at/near my school back in the late 80's but they didn't seem to get on the news back then. On one occasion a well known school bully stabbed a couple of other pupils in an underpass on the way home from school. On another occasion someone put acid in the science teachers lunch. I went to a reasonably good school too.

Sulphuric or LSD?
I'd be surprised if he could find 100 people willing to take on the job at this point with an organisation that is so scandal-ridden.

Plenty of ex-military go for police jobs.

Khan has been a failure for London. It's only declined under him and not just policing. He has managed to kill the nightlife too, transport is ******, and people just aren't as interested in going to London anymore. Brits actively avoid it, even if it means being paid less
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What has happened to this country.

Too few police
No tough sentences
Stop and search is racist apparently
Kids getting killed

Bancroft is in our school group, so that hits a little harder tbh.

It’s sad to grow old enough to be seeing and saying what I’d laugh at my granddad for saying.
Inevitable really when the social contract was destroyed and millennials had to suffer being the first generation where life gets worse. However I think most of it is in people's heads that it's more violent now than in the past, I think that's just a symptom of the internet and 24/7 media.
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Inevitable really when the social contract was destroyed and millennials had to suffer being the first generation where life gets worse. However I think most of it is in people's heads that it's more violent now than in the past, I think that's just a symptom of the internet and 24/7 media.

It's definitely worse now, someone walking along a street randomly slashing people with a sword would have been unheard of 20-30+ years ago. Then there are the Islamic terrorists doing similar.

There was organised crime in the old days, but it wasn't public like this.

It's not just violent crime either. Fraud and money laundering is rampant in London. Everyone can see it (American candy shops etc), its obvious, but thr police and Khan seemingly ignore it
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It's definitely worse now, someone walking along a street randomly slashing people with a sword would have been unheard of 20-30+ years ago. Then there are the Islamic terrorists doing similar.

There was organised crime in the old days, but it wasn't public like this.

It's not just violent crime either. Fraud and money laundering is rampant in London. Everyone can see it (American candy shops etc), its obvious, but police seemingly ignore it
It can be objectively worse and still be exaggerated.

The way the news reports on London as if it's a national problem instead of a London one is I think a consequence of local news being demolished.
It's not just violent crime either. Fraud and money laundering is rampant in London. Everyone can see it (American candy shops etc), its obvious, but thr police and Khan seemingly ignore it
This is a problem for central government to solve, by changing the rules on company registration.

And it's the local council who has the power to crackdown, not the Mayor.
I see the latest spin the police are using is to state how quickly they got there and how brave they were.

Almost like an opportunity to counter the negativity currently seen towards them /
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It's definitely worse now, someone walking along a street randomly slashing people with a sword would have been unheard of 20-30+ years ago. Then there are the Islamic terrorists doing similar.

There was organised crime in the old days, but it wasn't public like this.

It's not just violent crime either. Fraud and money laundering is rampant in London. Everyone can see it (American candy shops etc), its obvious, but thr police and Khan seemingly ignore it

Do you have any hard data to back that up, or is that just what you think?

Also, Tory policies such as Care in the Community and austerity driven cuts to local services seem to have created a situation where people with serious mental health issues often do not receive the help they need. In some cases with tragic results. This is not the same as attacks that are down to organised criminal or terrorist activity.

I don't actually have a problem with S&S when it is used sensibly. They've had officers quit because they witnessed bored officers use it on POC just because they could and on the off chance they might find some weed or anything to arrest them for. There were also the 2 British athletes who were stopped several times because they drove a nice car. Use it to target areas with knife crime and the people who are carrying them, not just in an attempt to boost numbers and you are only being stopped and searched because you are a POC and for no other reason. It would help if the MET didn't have such a bad history of institutional racism.
On monday i was reading about someone who got robbed and was forced to transfer money to the robbers on their phone, wtf is going on in London.

How is that any different to someone being taken to a cashpoint 25 years ago? Or showing someone where they stashed their money under the floor board 60 years ago?

There will always be a criminal element in society, especially when there are areas of deprivation. Its not a coincidence that council estates have more crime. Cutting police numbers and police stations was shameful by the Tories. I'd absolutely support very harsh sentences for knife crime, well violent crime full stop.
It's definitely worse now, someone walking along a street randomly slashing people with a sword would have been unheard of 20-30+ years ago. Then there are the Islamic terrorists doing similar.

There was organised crime in the old days, but it wasn't public like this.

It's not just violent crime either. Fraud and money laundering is rampant in London. Everyone can see it (American candy shops etc), its obvious, but thr police and Khan seemingly ignore it
There was IIRC a judge at a tribunal killed by someone with a sword 25 years of so ago, the guy also attacked multiple others. It's the reason all DWP tribunals now have security.

There were definitely attacks similar in the past, but they didn't tend to get massive press attention, and they're far enough back that people don't remember them. I remember previous periods where there were issues with people carrying various types of large knives "for protection" and the sort of idiots that typically did so.

I also remember that back in the 70's there were gangs that used knives, and in the 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's...Not to mention the spate of "care in the community" related murders back in the 80's and 90's when Thatcher shut down many of the psychatric hospitals and secure units with a view that people should be getting looked after in the community, but with no real provision in terms of manpower to do so or follow up on missed appointments (a policy that definitely wasn't aimed at reducing costs and freeing up what was often valuable real estate to sell off).

Money laundering is a matter that IIRC is both a police and a HMRC thing, usually HMRC and other specialist units because it tends to require forensic accountants not you run of the mill bobby on the beat, and as I think has been mentioned the first port of call for checking on businesses is the local councils various trading standards and similar departments, the police can't go into a shop and say "'ello ello ello, what's going on 'ere then, can I look at your accounts, receipts, stock and invoices please" (they'll support the other units, and they'll often start an investigation if it comes up in regards to another crime, but they're simply not set up to investigate this sort of tax evasion and fraud)..
How is that any different to someone being taken to a cashpoint 25 years ago? Or showing someone where they stashed their money under the floor board 60 years ago?

There will always be a criminal element in society, especially when there are areas of deprivation. Its not a coincidence that council estates have more crime. Cutting police numbers and police stations was shameful by the Tories. I'd absolutely support very harsh sentences for knife crime, well violent crime full stop.

It's bascically the modern version of the withdrawal at knife point.
The difference being that when it's done via a bank transfer or similar it should be very easy for the police to link crimes, and if the person is fast enough to report it there is a chance the bank can put a stop on it from memory.
What has happened to this country.

Too few police
No tough sentences
Stop and search is racist apparently
Kids getting killed

Bancroft is in our school group, so that hits a little harder tbh.

It’s sad to grow old enough to be seeing and saying what I’d laugh at my granddad for saying.

Stop and Search being used in a racist way, Stop and Search isn’t inherently racist.
On monday i was reading about someone who got robbed and was forced to transfer money to the robbers on their phone, wtf is going on in London.

Why have you singled out London? This is a thing all across the UK?

Are you really that sheltered that you think that this is a new exclusively London type of crime?
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