Crossfire on MSI 975x Powered UP?

2 Aug 2006
Anyone running a Crossfire setup on one of these boards?
Have had trouble with the 2nd IDE controller and don't want to shell out the
notes to find something else the board won't do..MSI quality have gone down the toilet compared with the 865PE NEO board I still have....never a prob, everything worked and clocked like a king...that northwood 2.4c was a great buy......running HIS X19000XT so would be looking at a HIS master.
im just setting up with this board, nice and stable so far, will have the crossfire all in tonight. Looks nice and stable so far. Better than the Asus P5W DH. Not sure on the clocking yet though. Will probably give it a go later tonight. nice to see Northbridge voltage goes upto 1.8v, watch this space :)
Cheers...let us know how you get on....have had some probs with the board but still messing around..hope the crossfire don't give you any trouble as I want to go that way myself.
hi, crossfire is working fine!

ive given it a go at 3.5Ghz (350x10) and it works fine although it gets warm
(i have 2 x1900s and the n/b + cpu in the same loop).
Overall i am impressed with this board, seems better suited than the DH for my processor. (Might be due to the 8 pin connector + the molex connector for crossfire)

however i have some niggles:

No Multiplier above 10 avaliable (unlocks down fine)

doesnt detect USB keyboard (for bios) works in windows

memory deviders are not working properly above 1:1.25 (im using some team sticks)
- either that or im doing somehting wrong

msi utility is nonsense lol
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Maddness...thats great to hear...your running a 6700?...I'v eone ordered if it ever turns up will be happy, untill then i'm stuck with the P4. Have you had any probs with blank screens when you power on at all? Sometimes can take a few resets/power cycles to get a picture(using Dell 2005WFP) and yes the memory dividers are pants...don't work at all..Tell me whats slots do you have the ati's in master/slave, etc...
im using a kentsfield, its an XE chip with up/down multipliers unlocked.

doh i had it running in single channel memory not realising you need to use green and orange slot lol. But still working fine now as before.

Ive not had any blank screen problems, im using the latest bios (715) which i updated when i got it.

Mastercard is the top slot and slave is the bottom like with all other boards +
im using a dell 2405.

Biggest letdown for me is the multiplier lock (but i already knew that before purchase) im confident a bios revision will sort it.

Will have play around with it today :)
I'm still on the 7.00 it worth flashing to the latest?...i've got them on the hd but was holding out for MSI to post them officially but needless to say they are dragging they're heels...would be great to get these dividers sorted....still running a MSI 865P 478 P4(2.4c @3.0) system for the TV downstairs and the dividers work like a charm
well i cant compare the different bioses as ive not had a chance to lol

but so far so good, its rock solid @ 3.5Ghz (350x10) (SPI & S&M so far)
i dont think i can push higher with everything in the loop, but i reckon it will top out about @ 370-380 with my cpu. I might give it a go at a lower multiplier just to see :D

the best monitoring program is everest, msi one is rubbish.

btw you have the 2.1 revision i take?
Yes its the 2.1 rev of the board....I'd love to get my hands on one of the
quad cores...I got my P4 660 on loan from the job(same as you?) and I've ordered my E6700 through them so hopefully it will show up soon.
My brother has a HIS X1900 master so it will be going my way as soon as
DX10 hardware shows up.
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