Crucial C300 64GB 6Gb/s or OCZ Vertex 2E 60GB

26 May 2007
Ive narrowed my choice down to these two for my first SSD but not sure which to get,would the Crucial being a Sata 6Gb/s be a better option?
On that size i'd recommend the OCZ Vertex 2E as the write times on the Crucial are 70mb/s max, which is poor compared to 275mb/s max on the OCZ.
Depends on your intended use and on whether you have a Sata 6GB/s Mobo.

For gaming (and if you have a Sata 6gb/s mobo) I'd go for the Crucial definitely - You tend to only read from the drive so you will benefit from the faster read times. If you don't have Sata 6Gb/s support then I believe you will be bottlenecked and wont see the improvement in the faster drive read times, in this case the OCZ is the way to go.

For more office/productivity related tasks then the OCZ would be the better option.
Yes the OCZ will only write 275mb/s as shown with atto when that data you are writing is highly compressable. If the data is divx video or jpeg then the speed will be more like 100mb/s as show with Crystal Disk benchmark. Same is true of the read speed.

Where as the C300 does not use compression when reading or righting. And give you 350+mb/s read with sata 6gb/s and 79mb/s write.
The way I look at is is depends on what you are going to use the SSD for. For example if you have a 120GB one as you C drive then a 60gb one as a storage device because copying data to and from a hard drive mean you are limited with the HDD speeds. Now if you have two SSD then its perfect for copy data between them for example if you use a lot of video dvix and jpegs.

So it you are using you computer for Video editing or Jpeg editing or any thing else like that then the C300 will be faster. But if you use the computer as just a computer then go for the Vertex.

In my case I went for the C300 64gb when it came out because it was cheaper then the Vertex 2e by about £50 with quidco cashback
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