Crysis 2 - Maximum + G-Sync

6 Jan 2013
Any ideas on how to get this smooth with the rig in my sig? Gsync or Vsync result in 20fps, and switching them off results in a bit of a screen tear fest.

Have also disabled SLI but it makes no difference.

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Runs great on my 780Ti SLI set up and gsynd Rog Swift. I'm running the MaldoHD 4 mod if that helps, so it's maximum maximum, and looks amazing (haven't run this game since getting the swift).

Oddly it maxes out at 100fps locked, even though I set the Rog to 120hz. But that's more than enough and it's lovely and smooth, with no SLI gsync stutter that a few games seem to exhibit.
Right, it's weird!

Load the game with Gsync, all ultra and DX11 enabled.
FPS is 24.
Change res from 2560*1440 to 1920*1080.
FPS is still 24.
Change res back to 2560*1440.

It then runs perfect, buttery smooth, Gsync 120fps awesomeness.

Now for that mod...
Very odd. Crysis 2 always was a bit twitchy I seem to recall.

You MUST use the MaldoHD mod. Makes it one of the best looking games ever, even today in my opinion.
should not need to deal with silly bugs like that :(, Installing Crysis 2 now to see if i can re create these issues with Gsync hopefully be able to help find a more perm fix for you.
Ok so far the only way ive worked out to solve this is

Set the game to open in windowed mode - Alt + enter full screen it, then on the monitor change to 144hz. Now every time i launch i alt enter and its 144hz and the frame rate matches.
I just load the game, and then go to switch resolution. When it asks me to confirm, I say no and all is good.

It's a cracking game, can't believe it's 4 years old. How the hell did 4 year old hardware run it!

As for the MaldoHDmod, do I have to apply that on every load? Makes the game look great BTW, but also makes Origin crash and quit when I exit the game.

Enjoying this so far. :cool:
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