crysis extreme

I must say, I think that your choice of colour scheme is absolutely spot on. The blue is perfect for your white case, and having the black components just keeps things real, and stops it looking too 'arrogant' :p :)
Nice build, but can't stop my eyes falling on those pale blue sata cables.

Part of me thinks "OK they match the sata ports"

But a bigger bit of me thinks they'd look better Black. either braided or replaced

personal taste and not a criticsm in any way.
Wow, thats a great looking build. Defiantly will be using a Phantom for my next build.
Nice build, but can't stop my eyes falling on those pale blue sata cables.

Part of me thinks "OK they match the sata ports"

But a bigger bit of me thinks they'd look better Black. either braided or replaced

personal taste and not a criticsm in any way.
going to to wait till NZXT release the windowed side panel before i start worrying about the wires and things like that
Wow, thats a great looking build. Defiantly will be using a Phantom for my next build.
thank you
I really dont like threads like this :( I really love my antec 900, I do. But these threads make me feel like its old and ugly!
Yay another phantom user!
Brilliant build, neater than mine anyways :D
How is the case, you finding it as good as I found mine.. wait that's not possible, cos I had the fun of arguing with RJK about it :rolleyes::D
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