Crysis Minimum Specs Released!!!!

wush said:
I'd really like to know how much of a difference a dual-core CPU will make for games in the near future.

Near future? It's already here in Quake 4 :D

PC said:
Dual core processors with Hyper-Threading Technology will see a performance increase of up to 87%. In short, systems with this technology will see the game run much faster than ever before.

Mac said:
With the update, Macintosh systems with an Intel Dual Core processor, which uses the SMP, will have a performance jump of 15 to 30 percent.

So that is quite a possible performance boost :)
I'm under the reccomended RAM but I meet the graphics card requirements...oh well. I don't much mind playing it on lower settings, not much of a graphics h00r myself.
Time to upgrade to 2gb of ram and an X2

Glad my x1800xt makes muster.

128k+ upstream... was that specifically mentioned because there will be a lot players in a multiplayer match of because there will be a lot of physics talk going back on forth ?
Edinho said:
Looks like we are getting to the point where the assumption of broadband is an excuse for bad net coding. ridiculous imo

You're right. Even though dialup users are a very small minority nowadays, it is no excuse not to refine online code. Some games are shockingly bad online because of this.
Hmmm i need a proccessor upgrade :)

Better move from my 4000+ to a conroe! So looks like new RAM too! Ah gay i only JUST bought another gig of DDR!

I know, il upgrade my x1900xt while im at it

Im getting carried away, im going to lose all my student loan :(
CossackNoodle said:
by the looks of it I meet recommended quite nicely but
as if im gonna be playing it in high settings no way judging by recent performances on games

No you don't, you can't possibly have a DX10 card and Windows Vista now, nobody will meet the recommended specs yet, i guarantee it. :D

Id rather wait for the official specs. ;)
kdd said:
Hmm looks like crysis will be the game that kills my 7800gtx, the 'recommended' specs are always still way short.

Indeed. Here's what I do with most specs:

Completely ignore the minimum spec.
Look at the recommended spec.
Add 50% to the cpu speed, memory size and gpu speed.
Use the above figure as the true minimum spec.
HangTime said:
Indeed. Here's what I do with most specs:

Completely ignore the minimum spec.
Look at the recommended spec.
Add 50% to the cpu speed, memory size and gpu speed.
Use the above figure as the true minimum spec.

Hahaha Absolutely right mate!!! :)
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