Why does he call it the Trey?
three kinda sounds like trey. PS Trey. Playstation Trey.
Entertainment for those with IQ's below 60. LoL!!! He SeD SomEfiNk UnFuNNy LoUdly!!!1111one1!!!
Elpresador laughs at you.
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Why does he call it the Trey?
Entertainment for those with IQ's below 60. LoL!!! He SeD SomEfiNk UnFuNNy LoUdly!!!1111one1!!!
Just about all his vids on gears are funny because they are true. Duck cover duck cover.
The bloke who makes those yt vids however is a moron.
Why are you taking it seriously, he's joking and mocking the game in a fashion that he knows will get up xbox fangirls noses.
Yes I know but he's still a moron. I'm going to make some videos mocking him and post them on youtube, the first one is him being arrested for being a paedophile.
You're..... ..... 31?!
Well spotted. Got to say troll insults have gotten weird lately.
You're in a trey thread, with a lot of trey fans, Saying you hate trey repeatedly....
The Ironing pile is building up
Well spotted. Got to say troll insults have gotten weird lately.
Well spotted. Got to say troll insults have gotten weird lately.
You are the only troll in this thread. You see the link top right of this webpage, yes, the one that says "Log out", kindly click on that! Thank you.
Reported to moderator. You don't own these forums.
Reported to moderator. You don't own these forums.