CS 1.6 Mouselag

22 Oct 2006
Hi, does anyone else have this problem, it could just be me, but after playing CS:S and starting up 1.6, I have a strange sense that there is mouselag, like its awkward to look around and its too smoothed out,

is there a way to fix this through a command or something?

for some strange reason cs 1.6 is affected by the increase pointer precision (or something along those lines) setting in windows mouse config. Deactivate that and it may help.
it's most likely VSYNC being turned on, try it with that off. If you still have lag and you think it is the pointer rpecision use the cpl mouse fix from HERE run that and restart your PC. Also then in your 'Launch options' under CS 1.6 through steam (right click cs 1.6 then properties) and type in "-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd ".

-noforcemaccel ; Disables mouse acceleration.
-noforcemspd ; Lets your desktop sensitivity set your ingame
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