cs go knife for real money

Funny thing is the real knife of that type is far cheaper. Only a custom trader would give you a price and its very iffy who can be trusted. I know somebody I would ask but I have very little of worth so he'd probably laugh, they usually sell for keys not cash but your item sounds 'special'
Sell it to someone you know is probably best, maybe use this site (and others) http://steamrep.com/ http://opskins.com/index.php?loc=shop_view_item&item=257102
i would be very wary about selling using paypal as your more than likely gonna get scammed , plus i dont think its "legal" to sell digital goods through ebay/paypal?

Just unboxed a m9 slaughter minimal ware and according to steam its worth around 250 on there

Is there a way to sell this for real money any were?

Unless you somehow convince someone to pay you through a bank transfer, it's not worth the risk. Just sell it on Steam and enjoy free games for months/years to come.
Funny thing is the real knife of that type is far cheaper. Only a custom trader would give you a price and its very iffy who can be trusted. I know somebody I would ask but I have very little of worth so he'd probably laugh, they usually sell for keys not cash but your item sounds 'special'
Sell it to someone you know is probably best, maybe use this site (and others) http://steamrep.com/ http://opskins.com/index.php?loc=shop_view_item&item=257102

I'm sorry that link u posted shows steam price of $400 but the a price underneath of $64,000 ???!!?!
some random person has just added me on steam claims to have seen my knife while spectating me on his friends match.

hes offering me 350 euros through paypal and he said he would do it with the option were he could not claim the money back

is this possible?
some random person has just added me on steam claims to have seen my knife while spectating me on his friends match.

hes offering me 350 euros through paypal and he said he would do it with the option were he could not claim the money back

is this possible?

I get randoms adding me for my knife all the time. Wouldn't trust any of them.
Just sell it on the steam market, safest way. Wouldn't trust that paypal good to be honest

Or give it to me and I'll give you a couple of skins for it :p
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