what skins?
I'm confused, why would anybody pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a skin?
Because they are sad, but then again why would anybody pay £6000 for a virtual space ship in star citizen... they still do it.
EDIT : IT's also not like having said item gives you any extra stats or anything... its a ******* texture that you can probably get for free on the workshop :L but that " not a legit way "
EDIT 2 : It's a shame for all the " genuine players " of CSGO As things like this shine the community in a dreadful light not including the videos of said depicted " player base " screaming at their screen because they killed 2 people or unboxed a few pixels.... Yeah im not personally a fan of the game simply because of the way that the community is portrayed via social media/youtube ect Im sure there are some really nice players out there as well. But because there not going bat **** at the screen they don't get any publicity! BOO
some random person has just added me on steam claims to have seen my knife while spectating me on his friends match.
hes offering me 350 euros through paypal and he said he would do it with the option were he could not claim the money back
is this possible?
what skins?
Yeah dude, just take the 15% loss on steam and sell it via that, you will lose about £35, but its the best way, id happily take it if i had the money, but otherwise you will just get scammers and little russian ***** begging you... Trust me, taking the £35 loss will be the best thing you ever did.
Yeah but the money is stuck on steam I'd rather spend £200+ on stuff other than video games if I had the choice lol
Well you seem set on selling it privately so why bother coming on here asking for advice?
Like pretty much everyone has said, it will end up in a scam where they will reclaim the money via paypal... So if you do go ahead privately don't come back when it all ends in tears ��
Just sell it on steam and then you won't have to worry about adding funds to your steam wallet for a while. Don't just spend it for the sake of it, but have it there for when you do fancy something. You will eventually have saved £200.
Yeah but the money is stuck on steam I'd rather spend £200+ on stuff other than video games if I had the choice lol