CS:GO Lag / Rubber Banding

11 Jun 2003
Hello chaps,
I've just bought CS:GO. I'm having very bad lag / rubber banding.

I'll be gaming at 20 to 40 ping, and then it'll spike to 250 - 400 and I'll be rubber banding all over the place, happens every 20 seconds to a minute.

I wouldn't mind a higher ping, but the rubber banding makes it impossible to play properly, or with any enjoyment. I'm on a Netgear A620 wireless adapter, I appreciate they aren't perfect for FPS, but download speed and latency are much better than my previous solution.

  • inSSider shows good signal and consistency
  • Tried WLan optimizer
  • Virgin Media, Download speed 100Mbits, Upload 6mbits!!!
  • Vsync on with a constant 60fps

I've tried a few other fixes from the interwebs too. Tried the following Launch Options : -processheap -novid -threads 8 -high -cl_forcepreload 1

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I get a similar problem, except I'm on BT Infinity and my latency doesn't spike up at all, it stays constant around the 50 mark. All of a sudden, without any notification, I'll just start warping around everywhere then a few seconds later it stops and I can play again.

Don't have this problem on any other game so no idea what is going on with CS:GO to cause this, would love a fix please :)
I'm upstairs at the other side of the house. I'd it comes to it I can try a very long cable as a temporary solution (may be worthwhile to find be problem)

I'll take a look at the links thank you.

Tonight I'll post a comprehensive list of the fixes I've tried, just so others who have the same problem can reference.
I'm on virgin broadband as well and I noticed a little rubber banding in one MM last night. I just took it as a server fault... I've only played a couple of MM games today but it seems fine so far; hopefully it'll stay like this during peak times.

On another note, VSync i find is terrible. I feel more precise with it disabled in CS (not that it helps hah!).
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Unrelated... why vsync and 60fps..... this just seems like you are limiting the fps for no real reason

I've only got an ageing 60Hz Dell 2412M as my monitor, so more than 60fps has no benefit for me. I also find I get horrendous coil whine when my gfx card goes silly high on FPS, so I habitually enable Vsync to combat this.

Fixes I have tried include:

  • TCP Optimizer - optimising performance: Link
  • inSSiDer - to track down signal problems / interferance
  • WLAN Optimizer - To disable background wifi searches : Link
  • The Regedit found Here
  • Youtube Video with Launch Options found Here
  • Disabling Audio Controllers - Thread Here
  • Running 'ipconfig /release' then 'ipconfig /renew'

None of these have worked so far.

I read on forums that this problem may to do with tick rate, but I'm not sure, cannot find it again.

Other sources suggest Upload Speed, though I can't ascertain if 6Mbps is too low.

I've just updated my Realtek Audio Drivers, let's see if that helps.

UPDATE: RealTek Drivers didn't work. As bad as ever.
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You need to eliminate the wireless element, cant you obtain a long cat 5 cable as a test? Alternatively try some powerline adapters?

Regarding fps, vsync waits for frames to stop tearing. One assumes you are able to get 60fps constant? In smoke...etc.?

I also assume you have done virus scans, spyware removal, closed mumble etc?

Finally, VM are notoriously bad for capacity management, i assume you have tried at different times of the day e.g. off peak?

If im honest, im confident that wireless is your issue.
I don't have this problem but after starting playing CS:GO again I find that I sometimes register only 1 shot when I believe that I should have registered more.

My ping is always low and stable but I have concluded that as I have gone from wired to wireless due to moving house that this is the problem.
Vsync adds a lot of input lag and it is more noticeable in an FPS game such as CSGO imho.
If you are worried about the GFX card straining just use the fps_max console command instead. Of course you will have tearing instead :D

As for rubber banding it could be just ISP related or some process on the PC. If you have multiple monitors you could keep task manager/resource monitor open and keep an eye on anything spiking during the lag. Rule out the wireless first though.
I get exactly the same btw, only on CSGO....

I bought an ethernet cable to see, ran it through the house and the first game I had, instead of spikes every 20secs/min it was like every 5 secs made it 10x worse lol.

Sometimes it's fine, but yeah... idk. Every other game works (99%) of time.
I don't believe this is a wireless issue, as the problem is very widespread on the internets. However, as per my previous post, I plan to run a long cat5 cable as a test, and if this works, I'll use powerline adapters.

no one is streaming etc.
The machine is a newish build, with decent anti-vir etc. No problems there.

Not sure why everyones so bothered about Vsync? I have it on to stop the card going into sily fps and whining, I do this on all games as a habit. It's a 60hz monitor anyway. I have no problems with it, though turning it off doesn't fix the rubber banding.

I'll try the peak usage thing thank you, though I hope that's not the issue. I get 100Mbps download, and 7Mbps upload, which is a ridiculous discrepancy. This is a Virgin Media thing apparently.

UPDATE: I happened upon a startup entry for the A6210 Genie (included in the driver package for my wireless adapter). Even though I specifically chose the standalone package, this small app was not only installed, but ran at service. I've just tried gaming without this app present, and I went two full rounds without rubber banding, and a constant ping of around 40. It is also obviously an off-peak time, I'll try again this evening. I have also disabled background downloading for CS:GO.
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So it seems the problem is, at present, fixed.

I've done all of the previously listed items, plus disabled the Netgear background app, and all seems well.

Constant ping of 40 to 50.

I've also reduced graphics settings slightly, and turned off V-sync and turned on fps_max 60. The game feels very responsive.
If you've turned vsync off, I'd set fps_max to 300, but maybe if you have the £££, look into buying a 120+hz monitor. I have a AOC 144hz one which isn't too expensive and the difference it makes to CS is awesome.
I do indeed have the superhub 2. I played with the settings but not seen flood risk. Would you mind elaborating?

I've been trying to decide on a new monitor for an absolute age, and can't!
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