CS:GO Lag / Rubber Banding


You won't regret I promise. I've tried some of the more expensive 120hz+ ones and there really isn't much difference to warrant spending the extra £

Sincere thanks for taking the time to suggest a monitor and link it. Looks like a cracking monitor at a silly price! And thanks to everyone who's posted suggestions on he original issue.

My problem with monitors is I either want a super widescreen,or to ultimately go triple monitor. I love aspects of both.

I have 1920x1200 monitor and really don't ant to lose the extra height. So it's got to be 24" 16:10 or 27" monitor. If I'm doing multi monitor, then I also want slim bezels!

Happy to spend a 600-1000 on the final setup, but I've really not found a monitor yet that ticks the boxes.
As to the original issue, much better. Occasional stutter, but hey it's wifi. Though I'd love to find that superhub tweak.
Will go get some screen shots, mine is superhub 1 though so may be different. I have the exact same problem (also couldn't complete packet loss test on line) until this was disabled.
Think Nuts may have got name slightly wrong. Should be called IP flood protection. My mate said he said same problem with it enabled and was always getting packet loss. Once disabled all was fine.

Get a broadband quality monitor going on the Think Broadband website.

Find out if the problem is your connection or merely your wifi. If your connection is crap, the ping spikes will be visible to the internet since all this does is ping your router


If this shows no ping spikes and a good quality connection, you know the problem is your wifi. If it does show ping spikes, time to log the issue with your BB provided or move to another supplier.

This is my Sky Broadband connection for example

occasional spikes to 40 or 50 ms, but the average latency and the minimum latency are practically the same, and only occasionally touching the maximum.

When your connection starts looking like this :


You've got issues.
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