CS:S Scripting

18 Oct 2002
Hi all,

Just me being lazy, but I was wondering if anyone is good at cs scripting?

Is it possible to use variables in game?

ie is it possible to drop down the console and type something like

user = "Tinman"

then have binds set up which say

bind j "ma_freeze user"
bind k "ma_telport user"
bind l "ma_beacon user"

that way you could just type their name once, then hit j, k, l to freeze teleport and beacon them?

I think you might be able to, but youd need to know the command exactly to bind it.

If youve got mani admin it might be something like this:

"bind k ma_sethealth 'name' 'amount'"

Just an example, and i wouldnt put money on it working, but id give it a try if you know the commands.

Theres a good list on counter-strike.com under the Mani Admin section in the CSS bit :D
Shimmy said:
Not exactly sure.

Although it does worry me somewhat that you want binds to do that...
why? We have a rule against vent camping. Instead of just slaying people, I tend to freeze them, beacon them and teleport them. Can take a little while through the mani system if they have a strange name, so this would make it easier.

Megahurtz400 - the commands I exampled are correct
Believe you wont be able to use on certain players without edditing them each time as each user has a diff steamID and IP, and will generally change there name if they see what your doing.

The only thing is if ure using Mani-admin-plugin which it sounds like you are, just go to the admin menu bind "l" "admin" (pressing L brings up admin) and just choose the player and the actions you want to perform on them.

You can also get mods for the server that says a person is camping and will slap them/move them, or becon them :)

Did some searching; http://mattie.info/cs/ is the place where you can get these mods, they do require FTP access to your server and some general knowledge, but read the readme's and your fine.
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