CS:S Tonight?

Ohh got a problem with mobo.

So using dads pc wich is

256mb ram
onboard gfx
Pentium4 1.8ghz :(

My razer mouse wont work on it for some reason so i'm stuck with a ball mouse.

Installing CSS at the moment.
Hopefully it will run it.

If it does i will play the best i can and not give up :D
I had to go but it was pretty fun tonight, office was a laugh:


had a great couple of maps and i think i owned you all :p

hope we can keep playing like this and have a cool ocuk clan heres some possible names off the top of my head :

COP-Citizens On Patrol
GG- Greasy Geeks
BC- Bakes0310 Clan
GB- Grany Bashers
UOCUK-Unofficial ocuk
HOG- Hounds of the Geekervilles
SG- Steam Glitch
SV- Steam Virus

Any there that tickle your fancy :p :)
RandomTom said:
RDFTW - RichDog for the win

Aww shucks *blushes*

Tempted to have a quick game now... but think i'll resist as I want to get my head down by around 10pm and if I play CS it'll just set my mind racing again.
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