CS:Source + Steam Questions

19 Feb 2006
West Mids
So I have never used Steam before, I have no account there or anything like that and was just giving it a browse over because I would like to give CS a blast.

I have never played HL or CS (think I might of played HL demo) before so don't know what i'm getting into, but seems most of the internet is in love with CS and I could do with a game that you can just pick up and play online.

So im browsing steam but I have no idea what I need :p afaik it's CS:Source thats where it's at, not Counter Strike but looking at steam there a a few options available.

Do I just pick up the $19.99 basic pack? or will I end up being blocked out of a lot of servers due to missing maps and stuff. Or do I get the CS:Source + Gary's Mod (whatever that is, i'll google later) or the Source Multiplayer Pack, which is a little more than I would like to spend but the price seems to match the UK retail price of the same game, so I guess that's not a bad buy.

Sorry guys im a CS noobie and have no idea whats what, Can I get away with the basic cheap game or will I be wasting money in the long run? What package on steam would you reccomend?
Why can't PC games just work, I read the Medieval 2 thread and thought I would give the demo a blast and got faced with Medieval II suffered a fatal error and will now exit, so I figured now would be a good time to give steam a try and I get, Steam.exe(main exception):Unable to find Steam.dll.

The steam DL seems to be only 1.4mb off the steam site, I assume it has to download more stuff but when I click the desktop icon I get that error :( . Of course im on Vista so im tempted to blame that but it does say it's supported, maybe me and CS was never ment to be.

Google has been no use so far, for once it would be nice if stuff just worked :p
Thanks knowledge123 downloading now (my poor usage allowence).

Am I right in thinking there is no CS:Source demo? Im gonna have to buy it to try it?
yeah however last i checked on my steam account i had a css guest pass, allows the receiver to play the game for so long. I would personally send you this but im offshore atm and unable to access my steam account im sure other people on this forum must have this guest pass and might be able to send it to you
bailey12856 said:
yeah however last i checked on my steam account i had a css guest pass, allows the receiver to play the game for so long. I would personally send you this but im offshore atm and unable to access my steam account im sure other people on this forum must have this guest pass and might be able to send it to you

Oh so like a friend invite they sometimes do with mmorpgs where they get a few days to try the game out, sounds ideal :)

I will hold off buying it then incase anybody has one to give away (e-mail in trust) and thanks in advance.

I have been watching a few vids on YouTube, it reminds me of Black Hawk Down game, and I was very into that a long long time ago.
CSS does get you hooked, i started playing it at a friends and was hooked then even though i was really bad, went home installed steam and bought hl2 & css been playing since, about 2yr is it now.
Yu don't need to buy hl2 as well you can just buy cs source for £11
i like a muppet bought hl2 and cs source thinking i needed both to play cs.
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