Ctrl - V

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I'm so pleased you took the advice constructively / I wouldnt want you to chuck your toys out the pram and look like a prat.

Part of an email someone sent me at work, that I was just going to send to my boss. :D
mine is something in *** at work

28 Unconfirmed transfer orders
53 Critical deliveries
0 Negative stocks
690 Interim storage stock, without movement
Private Sub CmdSort_Click()
'prints all the Course Groups
Dim Index As Integer
Dim record As Integer
Dim NumberOfRecords As Integer
Dim CourseGroup As Integer

Printer.Print "List Of All Teams and Players"
Printer.Print "Player"; Tab(25); "Team"
For Index = 1 To 3
Printer.Print "League " & Index
Open RandomFilename For Random As #1 Len = Len(Student)
NumberOfRecords = LOF(1) / Len(Student)
For record = 1 To NumberOfRecords
Get #1, , Student
If Index = Student.CourseGroup Then
Printer.Print Student.Name; Tab(25); Student.CourseCode
End If
Next record
Close #1
Next Index

i hate VB
I spent two weeks volunteering in my local Primary school working with the Key Stage One classes. I worked with a range of groups sizes of children, one on one, small groups and the whole class. I also helped supervise a class outing.

While this was only a two week post I feel it helped develop my communication skills and gave me confidence in roles of responsibility.

part of my CV!
Will Gill said:
As title, hope its not seen as mindless spam just amusing to see what some people have, so only reply once :) and maybe give an explanation to make it more understandble

http://qile.wotnet.com/upload/nice.jpg - was mine, a member of my guild in WOW wants another warlock banned for fixing bidding, oohh the scandal!

anyway Ctrl - V please!!

ahh look like the run up to broodlord there! i am also a 60 warlock but human, nice guild name :).

i had...


..in my ctr v, silly news of WoW film.
I = qA
pn +
{(exp(qV / kBT)) (1}

.. hmm that equation is still in my clipboard :/

Just the shockley equation for an ideal diode.. solid state physics
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