Cubase and Reason Gurus in here?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Hi there,

I need help with Cubase and Reason, i seem to have forgotten things i can do with it, as a result of using Akai MPC and not make music/back track in a while now.

My questions are as follows

How do i link reason with Cubase? i.e the back tracks made in Reason can be sort of synced with cubase so as to allow me to record vocals over it.

How do i connect the VST instrument in Cubase so as to work?

Can i use audio for music production same way you can on an MPC...(sample-wise etc?)

I have so many questions but that will do for now. All help appreciated. Thanks.
I remember using a program called "rewire" in music tech to sync reason and logic together. Might work for your situation too :)
This is a little off-topic, but about cubase anyhow. :)

My uncle wants me to learn how to use the cubase (i've only ever looked at it once) because he doesnt have the knowledge to put it to full use, and there's a lot of things he wants to be able to do, but doesnt know how.

Sometime in the next week im going over to stay for a few days and no doubt will be looking on the internet for guides etc, but i thought it might be easier if a few people with a bit of knowledge could add me to msn and help us out.


/On topic...
I use cubase quite a lot but i havnt got my hands on reason yet...

I use cubase sx3, i used to use nuendo sx2. I use a Yamaha SY85 with it and it works extremely well.

I dont have a conclusion to your problem though, ive only done 1 year of sound engineering and music tech was only a small part of the course.

Hope someone helps!

Launch Cubase first, then launch Reason. You should then be able to set Cubase as a MIDI source in Reason...

It's a couple of years since I've done it, so it *might* actually be the other way round ;)

From what I remember it's easy enough, but I was never big on Cubase, I was a Logic whore :p

Also, this really ought to be in the Music forum...
Launch cubase first as said, then reason.

when your in cubase you need to go to the devices menu and then choose 'Reason' enable the reason tracks you want and you're away.

You can either write music parts in reason and record audio in cubase or pull up reason racks as VST in cubase. i do the latter as it keeps all the tracks in the same program.
Thanks guys, i have managed to get it synced but i still have plenty of questions anyone willing to help please?

Can i record the reason onto cubase? At the moment, if i press record, it dosent show any "record graph" just a plain screen so to speak. Is it possible to record or im gonna have to do something else?

OMG im gonna die! The midi has been sync but it is not trigerring on the cubase screen when i press record but it will trigger if i press the midi keyboard..... :confused:
sinister_stu said:
Anything you wire from reason to cubase will play when you start playback in Cubase. I'm not really sure what your problem is, are you sure Rewire is working?

Rewire is ok, everything is synced but what im having problem is this - I use the Redrum (drum machine in reason) to make a drum beat, i allocated a midi track to it on cubase (after syncing) but when i press record in cubase, it dosent trigger instead i have a FLAT LINE on the midi track screen. Instead of having something like this "-_-__--__-----_-" im having this instead "-----"
a continous flat line in the middle on the midi track screen.

Do you understand?
ElRazur said:
Rewire is ok, everything is synced but what im having problem is this - I use the Redrum (drum machine in reason) to make a drum beat, i allocated a midi track to it on cubase (after syncing) but when i press record in cubase, it dosent trigger instead i have a FLAT LINE on the midi track screen. Instead of having something like this "-_-__--__-----_-" im having this instead "-----"
a continous flat line in the middle on the midi track screen.

Do you understand?

As far as I'm aware that is what should happen when doing what you describe. I'm at work at the moment so don't have Reason/Cubase infront of me so it's going to be pretty tricky for me to help.

Have you written/recorded the pattern you want in Reason? If you have then as long as the input and output of the MIDI track in Cubase are set properly, upon pressing play, that pattern will play. You won't be able to "record" what is coming out of Reason, but as I mentioned before, you can play it back.
^^^ Thanks man, im gonna wait for you then. why can one record the midi though if it is all synced?
ElRazur said:
^^^ Thanks man, im gonna wait for you then. why can one record the midi though if it is all synced?

Not really sure what you mean. what exactly are you trying to do? Send a MIDI signal from Cubase to Redrum and record it in Cubase?

I'm not even sure if that's possible, or necessary.
Ok let me explain what im trying to do.

I wanna make the backing tracks in Reason (beats/drums/synth/other things)

Make it work in cubase i.e synced and transfered

Record vocals in Cubase

I know how to do the first and last one but not the second bit....Any tip?
Now we're getting somewhere, that should be pretty simple. I've done much the same before, but recording guitar in cubase and using Reason for the bass.

Write the backing track in reason.

Use Rewire to send the master out from Reason to cubase, or wire the reason mixer channel to it's own output at the top of the reason rack. You'll then need to turn these channels on in Cubase. Create a MIDI track and set the input to the rewired Reason channel and the output to the analog out you would usually use in cubase (I think, can't remember which way round it goes).

Pressing play in Cubase should now play the backing track from Reason through the MIDI track in Cubase.

Record vocals to an audio track in Cubase.
:( Im still having problems you know.

I have enable reason in cubase, switch on rewire...everything synced but i still caqn trigger the drums pattern i made in reason - im still gettin a flat line when i press record!! Perhaps im not doing it right?
ElRazur said:
:( Im still having problems you know.

I have enable reason in cubase, switch on rewire...everything synced but i still caqn trigger the drums pattern i made in reason - im still gettin a flat line when i press record!! Perhaps im not doing it right?

A quick lesson in Rewire for you then.

Rewire allows you to route any channels in Reason to MIDI channels in Cubase, not the other way round.

If you follow what I suggested in my previous post you will achieve what you want.

Now I'm home I can clarify a few things for you. To turn on the required Reason channels, go to Cubase and select Devices -> Reason. Click the power button next to the channels you want to turn on.

It isn't necessary to have a MIDI track for Reason as I stated before, it has been a while since I used it so that's my excuse.

It really is as simple as that.

Edit: Just had a bit of a read about rewire and it seems the latest version, rewire 2, allows routing of MIDI as well. I shall look into it.
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