If you've got the two working together, set your Cubase left and right locators to the length of the entire track plus a few extra (4 or so) bars. Mute everything apart from the Reason parts that you want to record. Go to File/Export/Audio mixdown.
Ensure it's set to wav, 44.100khz, 16bit, stereo interleaved. Give it a filename, and hit save. Cubase will render the Reason parts as an audio file in the location you've set. Re-import the audio file, turn off Reason. Sorted.
Lowe thanks for that! Stu has been helping me ouit a lot via msn. Thanks again stu if you are reading this.
Ok i have another problem.. Reason wont recognise my keyboard - behringer UMX 61 - i have tried the midi and general settings but not much.....Anyway all help appreciated.
It was working before but i uninstall and re-install the program hence all this problem.
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